Friday 10 February 2017

How Much Cash Do I Need To Trade Options

ASK IRA: Est-Andre Iguodala le meilleur modèle de la NBA pour Winslow Q: Ira, je veux aider à apporter clarté à Heat Nation. Le juge Winslow ne sera pas Kawhi Leonard. Il deviendra notre version d'Andre Iguodala - un organisme de la NBA qui peut défendre quatre positions. Il sera un joueur offensif OK, mais apportera l'organisation avec sa maturité et son intellect. - Marcus, Washington, D. C. A: Une comparaison raisonnable, une que je crois que la plupart des équipes sélectionnant au n ° 10 embrasser. C'est le point que j'ai essayé de faire, que vous ne pas écrire un joueur juste parce qu'il vient dans la NBA sans un coup de saut. The Heat sera témoin des contributions de Iguodalas quand ils affronteront les Warriors mardi soir. Il a montré que lorsqu'il est entouré par le talent combien d'un atout, il peut être, par opposition à Philadelphie, quand on lui a demandé de faire peut-être trop. Maintenant, si la chaleur peut recharger avec quelque chose près de ce que les guerriers ont entouré Iguodala avec est une autre histoire. Soumettez votre question Posez vos questions à l'écrivain de Heat beat Ira Winderman et vérifiez ses réponses ici. Remplissez mon formulaire en ligne. Envoyez vos questions à Heat beat écrivain Ira Winderman et vérifier ses réponses ici. Remplissez mon formulaire en ligne. Q: Qui obtient couper pour ouvrir une tache de liste afin que nous puissions signer quelques joueurs à des contrats de 10 jours - Robert. R: Pour l'instant, très probablement personne. Il s'agit d'un moment où la chaleur pourrait utiliser une année de tête sur les deux voies D-League contrats qui entreront en jeu la saison prochaine. Cela permettrait, au milieu de toutes ces blessures, les occasions d'obtenir des aperçus furtifs aux possibilités d'Okaro White ou de Briante Weber. Mais jusqu'à la date butoir du 23 février, il reste plus prudent pour le Heat de conserver même les contrats venant à expiration sur le fichier, ne serait-ce que pour avoir des salaires disponibles à utiliser dans les métiers. Il ya eu des moments dans les saisons précédentes, lorsque le Heat ont été en mesure de faire des affaires de travail par des montants beaucoup plus bas que même le salaire minimum. Donc, alors que Derrick Williams et Luke Babbitt peuvent détenir moins pour l'avenir que des prospects tels que White et Weber, ce qu'ils détiennent maintenant est potentiellement précieux espace plafond. Caption Spoelstra réfléchit sur le jeu Whitesides vs Warriors Erik Spoelstra sur les possibilities Hassan Whiteside montré à Golden State. Q: Miami doit être heureuse avec cette saison. Nous perdons des matchs mais notre effort et notre intensité sont encore élevés, nos jeunes joueurs (sauf Justise Winslow maintenant en raison de blessures) progressent. C'est le tanking organique dont vous parliez plus tôt dans l'année. Si la deuxième équipe la plus mauvaise dans la NBA record derrière derrière Brooklyn et la seule raison pour laquelle nous ne sommes pas plus bas dans le classement est Goran Dragic. Il est un très bon joueur, pas une superstar. Il rend notre offense observable et je crains sans lui les jeux peuvent devenir unwatchable. - Ryan, Port St. Lucie. A: Je dirai ceci, pendant à peu près tous les matchs de la chaleur ont fourni des moments watchable (je sais, je sais, that8217s un peu d'une portée). Ils ont aussi montré la promesse de leur jeunesse. Et, comme vous l'avez noté, comment Goran Dragic reste un fabricant de différence dans la NBA d'aujourd'hui. Ce n'est pas une équipe de quitter sur les jeux. C'est une équipe pas assez bonne pour gagner. Je sais que ce n'est pas ce que la plupart veulent entendre, mais c'est une réalité indéniable du cycle de la NBA de la vie (à l'exception du cycle des San Antonio Spurs de la vie NBA bien que je me souviens de l'époque Bob Hill). Rappelez-vous, ce n'était pas si longtemps que les Cavaliers étaient horribles, ou même les Warriors. Q: Je ne comprends pas la philosophie d'amener James Johnson et Tyler Johnson sur le banc à cause de quothow bien ils travaillent avec la deuxième unité. Je ne peux pas voir pourquoi cela compte quand l'équipe perd presque tous les matchs. James Johnson est clairement le plus talentueux de pouvoir sur la liste et Tyler Johnson est sans doute le plus polyvalent tir de garde. Pourquoi ne pas voir comment nous faisons un peu de temps avec laisser nos meilleurs joueurs commencer les jeux - Aram, Boynton Beach. R: Et ce point, avec cette liste, et avec ces blessures. Je suis d'accord. Il y avait un point, quand la totalité de la liste a été prise en compte, qu'il était logique de retenir une paire de buteurs pour alimenter la deuxième unité. Mais avec toutes ces blessures, avec Justise Winslow pour la saison, Josh McRoberts jouer hors de l'équation et Josh Richardson pas mieux que le jour au jour en ce moment, je suis d'accord qu'il pourrait être temps de recalibrer. Avec Dion Waiters, vous auriez encore quelqu'un à marquer avec la deuxième unité. Le problème avec Tyler Johnson est de savoir si, avec son contrat massif, la Heat le considère plus comme un gardien à long terme, auquel cas il est logique de ne pas le jouer aux côtés de Goran Dragic. Et pourtant, de plus en plus vous voyez de Tyler, il est clair qu'il est un garde de shootingscoring, peu importe sa construction. Donc Hassan Whiteside, James Johnson, Tyler Johnson, Goran Dragic et l'aile de votre choix (peut-être Rodney McGruder pour la défense ou Richardson quand il revient) Pourquoi pas Ce n'est pas comme si l'approche qui vous a amené à 11-28 a été nécessairement travailler. Q: Vous vous souvenez quand Dwyane Wade et LeBron James jouaient pour Miami Man, ces jours-là. -- Volonté. R: J'ai reçu beaucoup de ces derniers jours, des questions sur le Heat vendant leurs âmes pour ce qui a suivi (qui, soit dit en passant, est ridicule parce que Chris Bosh est sorti du jeu en raison de caillots de sang et qui n'a absolument rien à Faire avec les décisions du personnel, mais tout à faire avec le fonctionnement de la chaleur avec 75 pour cent du plafond salarial comme le reste de la NBA.) Mettez-le de cette façon, aurais-tu fait ce que les Hawks, monter au sommet de l'Est Classement des conférences, chargez une équipe All-Star, ne le faites jamais au-dessus de la bosse, puis faites-le exploser dans la peur des agents libres partant sans rien en retour Rappelez-vous, autant qu'il a blessé perdant ces finales 2011 de NBA au Mavericks, pensez à tout ce qu'ils ont enduré dans l'intervalle, quand la chaleur est allé à une supplémentaire de trois finales de la NBA, puis à une victoire de la Finale des dernières saisons de la Conférence de l'Est. Q: Quand Erik Spoelstra commence-t-il à prendre le blâme pour la façon dont cette équipe continue à régresser - Justin. R: Lorsque des gens comme Doc Rivers et d'autres membres de l'équipe de la NBA cessent de le louer pour la difficulté avec laquelle son équipe continue à concurrencer malgré ce record de victoires et de pertes. Ive a eu trois éclaireurs séparés juste sur ce voyage assis à côté de moi pendant des jeux et l'éloge de la proposition qu'une équipe avec une telle liste blessure-criblée et limitée continue à jouer dur. Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile? Et ce sont des gens qui savent quand vous êtes faux l'effort. Q: Willie Reed mérite de commencer. - Léon. A: Et revenons à l'approche du quarterback de secours, sommes-nous, que quelqu'un d'autre est meilleur que ce que vous avez été avec Maintenant, si Hassan Whiteside n'est pas à démarrer minutes, si son conditionnement n'est pas à la vitesse due au manque D'une seule séance d'entraînement avec ses coéquipiers suite à sa blessure à l'œil du 30 décembre, voilà une chose. Mais vous avez investi 98 millions sur quatre saisons avec Hassan. Ce n'est pas comme la deuxième moitié de la saison régulière il ya un an, quand les leçons étaient offertes en commençant Amare Stoudemire avant Whiteside a reculé en pendant les séries éliminatoires. Quand la chaleur a fait cet engagement d'agence libre à Whiteside, c'était un engagement total, pas quelque chose qui pourrait être reculé de. Certes, Willie Reed a offert minutes admirables à la place de Hassan ces quatre derniers matchs. Mais si le Heat n'est pas venu à croire que Hassan Whiteside est beaucoup mieux que Willie Reed, alors quelque chose ne va pas. Sérieusement mal. Cette saison entière a été d'obtenir Whiteside, Justise Winslow, Tyler Johnson et Josh Richardson au niveau suivant, alors quand le Heat encore une fois, ces joueurs peuvent être des joueurs de niveau concurrent. Whiteside a commencé chaque match qu'il a joué à ce point. Cela ne devrait pas changer. Pas avec ce disque. Pas avec les pas qui doivent encore être faits avec son jeu. Q: Si les Heats ont supposé que le prix demandé pour Goran Dragic est trop élevé, est-ce qu'ils se soucient vraiment de lui échanger à ce point - Dale. R: Vous voulez dire parce que l'équipe qui doit maintenant deux choix de loterie potentiels aux Suns de Phoenix tient Dragic dans semblable à ce que les Suns ont fait Comme je l'ai écrit la semaine dernière dans ma colonne de dimanche, le scout de NBA j'ai parlé a probablement Difficile pour la chaleur d'arriver au sommet de la loterie pour Dragic, et si la chaleur convoitent une paire de choix de première ronde en échange, on pourrait venir bien sur la route. C'est ce que cette période avant la date butoir du 23 février est tout au sujet, sondage pour voir combien vous pouvez obtenir, avant de décider s'il vaut la peine de prendre le processus un peu plus loin. Est-ce que la chaleur demande trop à ce stade du jeu, ils devraient être mieux. Q: Il est si difficile de regarder Luke Babbitt comme le départ de puissance en avant. Sa performance contre les Lakers était mon point de rupture. - Doug. R: Contrairement à ce que James Johnson a travaillé avec la deuxième unité, j'avais pensé que Justise Winslow pourrait émerger comme un appareil là, permettant à la chaleur d'utiliser des ailes supplémentaires, mais maintenant cette notion est hors de la table. Et ce n'est pas comme si Derrick Williams s'était établi. Donc Udonis Haslem Willie Reed aux côtés de Whiteside Josh McRoberts ne passe pas par cette porte. Ou même Chris Bosh. Q: Im heureux Erik Spoelstra a tenu sa terre et dit cela. Parfois, vous avez besoin de parler quand vous sentez BS dans l'air. - M. P. R: Quelques réflexions ici. Mais d'abord, pour les retardataires, après que Goran Dragic a été expulsé pour ce qui semblait être une tentative de se détourner de Jordan Clarkson, Spoelstra a déclaré après vendredi perte pour les Lakers, quot Its vraiment honteux, honteux que Goran Dragic a été expulsé de Ce jeu. Fait un coude sur son visage, quelqu'un qui veut lutter le frappe sur le sol et juste un renflouement, l'éjection honteuse, honteuse. Il n'y a aucun moyen qu'il devrait être jeté hors de cette situation. Et sur lui est allé. D'abord, si ce n'était pas un jeu de huit points à ce moment-là, si les Lakers s'étaient déjà retirés, je pense que Spoelstra aurait été lui-même expulsé. Mais parce que la chaleur était toujours à portée de main et avait montré une capacité à se remettre d'un déficit semblable plus tôt, il y avait de la retenue. Deuxièmement, lorsque vous avez deux équipes mal organisées, je pense que les officiels sont plus enclins à supprimer tout antagoniste de la situation. Face à lui (et il pourrait y avoir plus de cela à l'avenir), ce n'est pas comme si la modification du résultat d'un jeu Heat-Lakers va avoir un impact sur les courses éliminatoires de la NBA à la fin de la saison. Ainsi, le chemin de - littéralement - le moins de résistance a été sélectionné et le jeu a continué. L'équité ne le fait pas toujours aussi loin dans le classement. Q: Salut, Ira. Je pense que, comme la saison va de pair, Hassan Whiteside jouera mieux le plus de succès Willie Reed est avec l'infraction. Il empêchera au moins Hassan d'être complaisant. - Eric. R: Et c'était intéressant de voir comment Erik Spoelstra n'avait pas le temps (ou était d'humeur) de discuter de qui pourrait commencer dimanche contre les Clippers. Mais je ne crois pas non plus que Hassan est câblé d'une manière où il voit des défis. Il croit simplement que lorsqu'il joue, il domine. Période. Dimanche sera intéressant, y compris combien de temps Spoelstra est capable de trouver pour Reed aller de l'avant une fois Whiteside regagne complètement ses jambes (et les yeux). Q: Pourquoi ne joue-t-il pas Derrick Williams Voici un gars qui peut créer de l'espace pour son propre tir. - Stuart. R: La NBA est une ligue où vous devez faire au moins une chose très bien. C'est pourquoi, pour la consternation de quelques-uns concernant Justise Winslow, il a déjà montré qu'il est, à 20 ans, un défenseur d'élite au niveau NBA. La question avec Williams est: Quel est son talent spécial Au collège, c'était comme un joueur capable de travailler son chemin à la ligne de faute à presque un rythme de Harden-like. Dans la NBA, il n'a pas encore trouvé sa place spéciale. Donc, ce n'est pas comme si vous pouvez l'envoyer là-bas pour un but spécifique. Q: Avec Rajon Rondo malheureux à Chicago les Bulls ont besoin de tir à l'extérieur, heres un métier qui pourrait faire sens (au moins par les chiffres): Trade Josh McRoberts et Wayne Ellington pour Rondo. Rondos contrat de deux ans est de 14 millions par saison, mais seulement 3 millions est garanti l'année prochaine. De plus, il ouvre une place de liste pour un joueur de D-League. Que pensez-vous - David. R: Je pense que les lecteurs d'Ask Iraquot sont une coupe au-dessus quand il s'agit de la créativité. Autant que n'importe quoi, j'apprécie la pensée de chapeau, puisque thats ce que son tout environ, de toute façon. Il offre également à la chaleur de l'option d'avoir un remplaçant vétéran à la garde pour le solde de la saison s'il ya un commerce Goran Dragic. Mais Rondo a prouvé si toxique que je ne suis pas sûr si même avoir à manger que 3 millions pour 2017-18 serait acceptable, étant donné qu'il reste la chance à l'extérieur de peut-être décharger tous McRoberts 2017-18 option de 6 millions de joueurs dans le cadre d'un plus grand traiter. Peu importe, il ya du mérite à cette pensée, plus pour l'argent que sur les noms réels impliqués. Q: Essayer d'établir une culture gagnante avec un groupe de joueurs de rôle, c'est comme essayer de courir un vélo contre une Porsche 911. - Aura. R: Et puis imaginez pas même avoir autant de bicyclettes que Porsche. Prendre la perte de mardi aux Suns: Un argument pourrait être fait que la chaleur avait le talent presque équivalent sur la cour comme Phoenix quand il est venu aux cinq joueurs dans le jeu au début. Mais c'est quand le manque de profondeur frappe durement. La réalité est que la plupart des équipes de la NBA se limitent à huit joueurs primaires dans leurs rotations, de toute façon. Le problème est qu'une partie de la profondeur de cette équipe n'est pas à la hauteur des normes gagnantes. Cela peut sembler sévère, mais c'est aussi la vérité, et pourquoi ces joueurs étaient disponibles à la chaleur sur le relativement bon marché en premier lieu. Un argument pourrait être fait que trois ou quatre des joueurs que le Heat a mis sur le terrain à Phoenix ne l'aurait pas fait sur le court pour un prétendant de playoff. Il a également montré une nuit plus tard à Sacramento combien d'un autre il a fait pour la chaleur ayant Tyler Johnson et James Johnson de retour. Ce type de profondeur fait une différence. Q: Avec l'équipe en difficulté comme il est, ce qui empêche le Heat d'élever les joueurs de la D-League - Claudia, Miami. R: Espace de liste. La chaleur est à la limite NBA de 15 joueurs. Et il n'y a rien comme la liste de baseballs désactivés, où vous pouvez appeler des joueurs pour remplir pour les joueurs blessés. La pensée dans la NBA est que vous ne jouez cinq à la fois et ont accès à un maximum de 15 choix de liste. La chaleur devrait regagner une tache de liste à un certain point, une fois que les machinations commencent à regagner l'espace de chapeau-salaire de Chris Boshs. Il ya aussi la possibilité d'une sortie ou de la libération de certains des anciens combattants sur la dernière année de leurs contrats, mais que, comme chroniqué, probablement ne se produira qu'après la date limite du 23 février NBA trading, au cas où la chaleur besoin d'agréger les salaires Dans des transactions potentielles. Q: C'est triste. Je voulais voir Justise Winslow continuer à grandir cette année. Vous devez être sur la cour pour continuer à s'améliorer. - Douglas. R: Pour moi, c'est la partie la plus difficile, la croissance étant retardée pour une saison pour un joueur qui avait (et a encore) la chance d'émerger comme une pierre angulaire de franchise. Mais cette fin de saison de chirurgie est à peu près autant que cela. S'il y avait une pensée de négociation Winslow dans le cadre d'un forfait pour quelque chose de plus proche d'un joueur de franchise, qui, évidemment, est également mis en attente. Au-delà de cela, avec Winslow si unique avec son approche, il garde la chaleur d'explorer ces possibilités de jeu et élimine l'occasion pour les coéquipiers d'apprendre à mieux capitaliser off ces compétences. Il s'agit plutôt de remettre en cause une équipe qui, sans doute, se dirigeait vers la loterie de tir. Il s'agit de l'horloge sur la croissance Heats de l'intérieur s'arrêtant quand il s'agit de Winslow. C'était un coup dévastateur pour le joueur et l'équipe. Q: La justification n'est pas une ordinaire de 20 ans. Une fois qu'il aura dépassé l'obstacle mental, l'enfer sera bien. - Goigi. R: Et ce doit être l'espoir que le temps que Winslow a passé pendant les séries éliminatoires des dernières saisons, le temps qu'il a passé à s'entraîner avec l'équipe olympique l'été dernier aidera à compenser ce temps perdu, que la courbe d'apprentissage travail en cours. Quand il s'agit de la maturité, ce n'est pas typique de 20 ans. Justise avait beaucoup de possibilités de se mettre sur lui-même car ses coups de pied werent tomber cette saison. Au lieu de cela, il s'est concentré sur les contributions qu'il pourrait faire autrement sur la cour. Et il a fait ces contributions. Les bonnes nouvelles sont que contrairement à son numéro de poignet en Novembre, ce n'est pas son bras de tir. Tyler Johnson a travaillé son chemin de retour de son problème d'épaule comme un joueur amélioré. Justise a le même type de maquillage, pour essayer de rattraper le temps perdu. Q: Génial, maintenant nous allons obtenir quelques points de la tache trois. C'était une énorme faiblesse quand la balle lui tourna le dos. Cette ligue est une infraction. - Tommy. A: C'est le revers de la médaille, probablement plus marquant dans les alignements, avec beaucoup de petites combinaisons à jouer, comme la chaleur a vu mercredi contre les rois, comme ils ont vélo par les goûts de Wayne Ellington, Tyler Johnson et même Dion serveurs sur le banc . Il sera intéressant de savoir combien de temps Erik Spoelstra reste avec Rodney McGruder comme son petit départ en avant, ou il il retourne à une approche plus petite pour maximiser le score et le potentiel de tir de ses ailes. Mais avec Winslows capacités défensives perdues, il pourrait venir à savoir si les serveurs peuvent ramasser où il a quitté avant sa blessure à l'aine. La chaleur sera différente sans Winslow. Quant à eux étant mieux, vous devez considérer les deux côtés de la balle. Q: Pouvons-nous rappeler Mario Chalmers comme notre gardien de réserve Je pense que nous avons besoin d'un créateur traditionnel comme Chalmers. - Timo. R: Si l'on se demande si Chalmers est totalement rétabli des blessures d'Achille des dernières saisons, ou s'il sera complètement rétabli, songez à quand Chalmers a été remis la saison dernière aux Grizzlies. Bien qu'il s'agisse certainement d'une réduction du projet de loi sur la taxe de luxe de Heats, il a également été souligné comme un mouvement pour dégager le temps de jeu de Tyler Johnson comme gardien de réserve, au milieu de la question de savoir si Chalmers pourrait assumer un rôle tertiaire. À un certain degré, rien n'a changé avec cette équation, avec le but encore de créer le temps pour Johnson (et même Josh Richardson) au point. Donc, à moins que le trio actuel au point est éclaircie, je ne suis pas sûr qu'il y aurait un endroit pour Rio pour le moment. Mais ce n'est pas pour éliminer quelque chose sur la route. La chaleur a une façon d'ouvrir la porte pour encores, avec Chalmers dépenser de nouvelles années dans le sud de la Floride avec Udonis Haslem, Josh McRoberts et d'autres joueurs actuels et anciens Heat. Q: Rodney McGruder est un excellent pick-up pour la Heat. Il a littéralement repris la charge de garder les équipes adverses les meilleurs joueurs de l'aile quand Justise Winslow est sorti. Il est un vrai 3-and-D guy. Je voulais juste souligner quelques bonnes choses venant du Heat cette saison, depuis tant de blessures et tant de mauvaises nouvelles a eu lieu à la fin. - Robert. R: Ce que McGruder a fait est donné à la chaleur une pièce de rechange au cas où ils choisiront de traiter un de leurs jeunes joueurs, que ce soit Winslow ou Tyler Johnson (pas que, par tous les moyens, je prévois une telle possibilité, ni, dans aucun Manière, en disant que Rodney est mieux que ces deux). McGruder a probablement ses limites, mais si c'est une question de la chaleur qui peut s'accrocher à des actifs autrement, il est à peu près aussi économique qu'une alternative est disponible, compte tenu de la façon dont la chaleur lui aussi verrouillé pour l'avenir. Donc, s'il y a une chance pour une saison comme celle-ci, il est de trouver un autre jeune joueur qui pourrait s'intégrer dans la prochaine version de Heats. Et son attitude est aussi optimiste que les pas qu'il a fait en arrivant à ce point, coachable et désireux d'apprendre. Q: Dorothy: QuotToto, j'ai l'impression qu'ils n'étaient plus au Kansas. quot Si le plan de Heats est de reconstruire par le tirant d'eau, alors les ventilateurs arent regardant une reconstruction de trois ou quatre ans au minimum La dernière fois que la chaleur reconstruite À travers le projet, ils ont dû trouver un Dwyane Wade (qui est spécial) et ensuite fait un commerce une fois dans une vie pour un disponible Shaquille ONeal Et qui a pris la chaleur de trois ans. - Stuart. R: Mais la chaleur le regarde comme s'ils avaient plus de blocs de construction en place, avec ce qu'ils espèrent sera un centre de franchise, à Hassan Whiteside, et un garde expérimenté, à Goran Dragic. Donc, cette fois, un choix de loterie pourrait être ajouté à un moment où il y aurait également un espace de plafond salarial massif. Pour la chaleur, l'acquisition d'ONeal est arrivée un an après l'arrivée de Wade. Cette fois, le Heat est positionné pour ajouter un talent de loterie et un joueur de salaire maximum en même temps. C'est pourquoi l'optimisme (au moins publiquement exprimé) pour une reconstruction rapide. Q: Je sais que nous ne pouvons pas télégraphier nos mouvements, mais le véritable mouvement gangsta pour Pat Riley est de négocier Goran Dragic en Février à Orlando ou les 76ers, assurant un autre pick dans ce projet à venir. Le choix Magics tomberont autour de 12 ou 13 ou le pick 76ers sera Top 10 des Lakers. Nous serions alors en première position pour obtenir Josh Jackson ou Lonzo Ball avec notre propre choix et le choix supplémentaire obtenir Malik Monk, Dennis Smith ou Harry Giles. Ce serait la plus grande réussite de Pats en raison des changements dans l'ABC et pas de vrais agents libres passionnants en 2017. - Marcus, Washington, D. C. A: Premièrement, Im pas sûr Pat Riley va quotgangstaquot bientôt, mais thats une autre histoire. Je doute que toute équipe de loterie va être disposé à se séparer de la sélection jusqu'à ce qu'ils sachent où leur choix va tomber dans le premier tour. La Heat ne voudrait pas non plus risquer un commerce pour un pick qui pourrait finir par tomber en dessous de l'endroit projeté, puisque, dans le cas de votre exemple Orlando, il ne serait plus une raison pour le partenaire commercial de maintenir l'ensemencement de loterie. C'est une autre raison pour laquelle un commerce de Dragic, ou tout grand mouvement de Chaleur lié au tirant d'eau, a plus de sens après la loterie et la date limite d'entrée anticipée. Oui, le projet à venir semble chargé, chargé assez qu'un choix même dans les jeunes adolescents pourrait projeter comme un contributeur. Mais les équipes qui détiennent ces choix savent que, de même, augmenter les primes de faire de tels mouvements. Et si Riley est vraiment la prévision d'une reconstruction rapide (qui ressemblait à une déclaration imprudente de sa part), alors Im ne sais pas comment cela se produit avec une paire de loterie, les perspectives un-et-fait d'être ajouté à la liste. Ce que je suis d'accord avec est qu'il est difficile d'envisager la chaleur ajoutant une autre sélection de loterie à moins Dragic est pris en compte dans une équation commerciale. Q: Sans Hassan Whiteside sur le plancher, il semble que la chaleur jouer mieux équipe de balle. Il ya plus de mouvement de balle et un rythme plus rapide. Quand il est sur la cour, il semble qu'il ralentit le jeu vers le bas, prend beaucoup de possessions, et laisse ses coéquipiers moins impliqués à ses frais. Êtes - vous d 'accord et s'agit - il d' une préoccupation - Doug. R: L'une des questions les plus fréquentes envoyées de cette façon a été l'absence de touches de Whitesides. Dès le moment où la chaleur a engagé que quatre ans, 98 millions de contrat à Whiteside au début de l'agence libre il n'y avait pas de retour. Le Heat doit apprendre à faire ce travail, besoin d'apprendre comment faire ce travail. Une partie de cela est de trouver Whiteside quand il éclaire. Une partie de lui est Whiteside étant plus décisif avec ses actions. Tout cela prend du temps. Mais il faut aussi un engagement. Donc, la question, la seule question, en ce moment est de savoir comment faire fonctionner mieux avec Whiteside. Quand il s'agit du plafond salarial NBA, vous ne pouvez pas tomber en amour en Juillet et hors de l'amour en Janvier. Les dollars ne permettent pas cela. Pour le meilleur ou pour le pire. Q: Cette équipe me suffoque, Ira. Tout remède - Masoud, Tucson. R: Syntonisez la filiale de la D-League de Heat sur Facebook en direct. Ils gagnent. Ils sont amusants à regarder. Et ils pourraient avoir un ou deux joueurs de Heat du futur. Q: Pensez-vous que la chaleur va essayer de négocier ou de signer Paul Millsap - GL A: Timing jouera un grand rôle dans un tel mouvement, à savoir serait l'équipe qui rend un agent libre imminente disponible, comme les Hawks sont apparemment prêts À voir avec Millsap, être prêt à attendre jusqu'à ce que la chaleur peut déverrouiller leur potentiel de salaire-plafond de l'espace de Chris Bosh machinations, un geste qui ne viendra avant le 9 février alors il ya la question de ce que la chaleur serait en mesure d'offrir en Retour, manquant beaucoup dans la manière de sélection de projet. Donc, il s'agit de savoir si la chaleur envisagerait de négocier de jeunes talents tels que Justise Winslow, Josh Richardson ou Tyler Johnson (qui peut veto tout commerce pour le reste de la saison en raison de la façon dont il a été renommé comme un agent libre restreint). Qu'est-ce qu'une équipe comme que la chaleur ne peut pas faire le commerce pour un agent imminent libre comme Millsap et puis espérons qu'il re-signer. Et en fonction de l'endroit où la chaleur se trouve actuellement, ce qu'ils ont à vendre pour l'avenir immédiat. Q: Etes-vous sûr que les blessures de dimanche n'étaient pas une fête de début avril Fools Obtenez ces balles de loterie aller. - Jeffrey. R: Non, je ne suis pas. Mais ce que je suppose, c'est que si le Heat donnait la priorité aux victoires, il pourrait y avoir des moyens plus créatifs pour ramener les joueurs sur le terrain. C'est pourquoi j'ai demandé à Whiteside éventuellement porter des lunettes de soleil pour revenir dimanche. Et si l'éclairage était, en effet, un problème, potentiellement porter des lunettes teintées. Cette équipe a passé par des moyens remarquables précédemment pour obtenir des joueurs sur la cour. Cette saison, il semble un peu trouble, pas que Im un médecin ou ont des qualifications pour jouer un dans cet espace. Q: Pourquoi le retard dans la mise hors jeu Josh McRoberts pour la saison et la promotion de quelqu'un de la D-League - Juan. R: Parce que ce n'est pas comment ça marche. McRoberts, bien que mis à l'écart pendant une longue période, doit continuer à compter comme l'un des 15 joueurs sur la liste (comme le fait Chris Bosh, d'ailleurs). Si McRoberts était dans la dernière saison de son contrat, alors le Heat pourrait choisir de manger le solde de son contrat. Cependant, parce que McRoberts a une option de joueur pour 2017-18, ses 7 millions entiers se tiendrait au chapeau 2017-18 de la chaleur dans la saison morte si renoncé avant la fin de cette saison. Même si McRoberts ne joue pas de nouveau cette saison, il reste admissible à un métier soit cette saison ou à l'intersaison, un qui pourrait alléger la position de chapeau de salaire Heats. Pour la chaleur d'évoquer tous les joueurs de leur affilié de la D-League, la Skyforce de Sioux Falls, ils devraient ouvrir une tache de liste, avec aucun de leurs joueurs de D-Ligue sous contrat de NBA. Q: Ira, Erik Spoelstra a eu du mal à comprendre qui de commencer à puissance avant. Je n'ai pas: James Johnson. - David. R: Si vous dites que James a été la force la plus constante de Heats, je serais d'accord, même avec des faux pas comme jeudi à Charlotte. Mais il a été encore plus cohérent dans un autre rôle, comme quelqu'un qui peut déclencher la deuxième unité, ce qu'il a montré dans son effort de 22 points vendredi à Boston. Dans une saison où il a été difficile pour le Heat de remplir les cases au-delà du centre de départ et du point de départ garde, je pense que James jouer sur le banc a donné Spoelstra un niveau de confort avec la deuxième unité qui est difficile à passer. Mais il ya aussi la couche de Johnson de retour sur le marché des agents libres dans la saison morte et peut-être éventuellement de lobbying pour entrer dans la ligne de départ. Avec Josh McRoberts hors, et avec Luke Babbitt et Derrick Williams comme les autres options, Johnson a certainement un cas pour passer dans les cinq premiers. Comme il est, la roue de files d'attente a de nouveau arrêté à Babbitt comme le départ jeudi à Charlotte et puis vendredi à Boston. Q. Ira, n'arrêtez pas de nous moquer que le juge Winslow, Josh Richardson et Tyler Johnson forment un noyau pour former une équipe. Ce sont des joueurs sympathiques qui jouent dur, mais ils seraient des réserves sur une bonne équipe dirigée vers les séries éliminatoires. Ils feraient une belle unité sortant du banc, mais la chaleur doit trouver des débutants qui peuvent jouer avec Goran Dragic et Hassan Whiteside. - David, Fort Lauderdale. R: Tout d'abord, si vous faites défiler dans cet espace, je ne me souviens pas appeler les trois que vous mentionnez comme pierres angulaires. Tous, du moins jusqu'à présent, se sont révélés des acteurs complémentaires. Si la chaleur avait Chris Bosh et Dwyane Wade, comme c'était l'intention initiale, tous seraient effectivement des joueurs de niche. Avec la chaleur en place pour utiliser le plafond d'espace libre dans une agence libre ou un commerce en Juillet, et avec la probabilité d'une sélection de loterie, je dirais que des trois joueurs que vous mentionnez, pas plus d'un serait starter la saison prochaine. Il n'y a aucun prétexte avec le Heat cette saison. Ils jouent les joueurs par nécessité. S'il ya un besoin similaire la saison prochaine, il y aura probablement un résultat similaire. Q: Est-ce que cette saison est sacrifiée Nous avons un compagnon de voyage et des perspectives médiocres. Quel est le plan - Brian. R: Comme indiqué ci-dessus: Pour voir ce que la chaleur ont, et donc voir ce qui doit être ajouté. Pensez à cette saison comme une boîte de Pétri, avec cette expérience d'une saison dans les évaluations individuelles. Donc, je pense que du point de vue des éventails, le plan devrait être de se concentrer davantage sur l'individu que sur le collectif, de voir qui vous vous sentez à l'aise d'avancer et, pour employer votre mot, voir qui sont simplement médiocres. Q: Ira, quand j'ai mis la radio ce soir et entendu que Isaiah Thomas a marqué 52 points, j'ai pensé que la Heat aurait perdu le match par 20. J'ai été surpris quand j'ai entendu dire que c'était un jeu beaucoup plus proche. Suis-je délirant quand je pense que cette équipe n'est pas si loin de la concurrence pour les titres de division Im ne suggère pas que ce sera la saison, mais il ne prendra pas trop de temps jusqu'à ce qu'ils sont en lice. Je me souviens des jeux où le Heat post-LeBron aurait été soufflé par une équipe vraiment bonne et le banc n'a pas contribué andor nous sommes sortis-rebondi etc, etc Cette équipe se bat et reste dans le jeu pendant 48 minutes. Ils n'ont pas un plus près, mais il ya cinq gars qui tentent de fermer et, par conséquent, jouer mieux ensemble que d'attendre le plus près de tout faire. - Eric A: Regardez, pour gagner, et pour gagner gros dans la NBA, vous avez besoin d'un plus près, ce qui est ce que les Celtics avaient vendredi soir avec Isaïe Thomas. Mais je souhaite plus de fans ont partagé votre enthousiasme pour le processus. Pour tout le discours de la chaleur quottanking, quot me trouver un joueur qui wasnt jouant hit tripes à la fin le vendredi soir. Et quand une équipe est en concurrence, je suis d'accord pour qu'il y ait du respect. Pendant des semaines, on m'a demandé: «Comment pouvez-vous regarder cela?» Ma réponse est que je ne m'assieds pas là et que je prends le papier le matin (et que je prends le journal tous les matins), mais j'aime les jeux. Et vendredi a été amusant, beaucoup de plaisir. Et thats un crédit à une liste de joueurs qui doivent être conscients que maintenant les séries sont les plus longues de longshots. Q: C'est Isaiah Thomas disant Pat Riley, quot Vous auriez dû échanger pour moi au lieu de Goran Dragic. quot - C. G. R: Et pourtant nous savons combien Pat Riley préfère des gardes plus grands. Regardez, quand le commerce Dragic a été fait, c'était quand la chaleur avait Dwyane Wade et Chris Bosh. Thomas a joué vendredi soir sans une aide, et il n'y a rien de mal à cela sur une liste qui exige chaque dernier bit de son score. Dragic ajustement la liste qu'il a été acquis pour mieux que Thomas. Puis les temps ont changé pour la chaleur. Ça arrive. Ce qui s'est passé avec Bosh, puis la décision difficile avec Wade, a tout changé. Not its a matter of again sorting out pieces, pieces that might not fit like they once did. Q: Do you think it would be the right call for the Heat to call up Briante Weber -- Timo, Germany. A: Thats a tough call, because Im still not sure Briante is ready to guide an NBA offense and might be a more fitting Heat addition when the roster is flushed out with better talent, where Briante could be called upon to provide 12 explosive minutes a game. The move I would make with the Heats D-League affiliate is to bring up Okaro White, a move that would require the Heat opening a roster spot. An extended look at him on the wing could help answer questions for the Heat moving forward. Q: Ira, please tell me what is good about Justise Winslow Hate to say it, but Id take Michael Beasley over Winslow, and Im not Beasley fan. -- Juan. A: First, exhale. Then move past where the Heat drafted Justise, what they bypassed for him, who they could have had instead. None of that matters now. It just doesnt. Then consider players who have upgraded their shooting relatively early in their careers, with Kawhi Leonard among that group. Beyond all of that, ask how Winslow can help, be it his defending, his facilitating, his rebounding. Sorry, but you dont give up on NBA first-round picks at 20 years old. You just dont. There is a reason players fall to No. 10 in the draft. There always is a reason. A reason why someone such as Frank Kaminsky went earlier. The Heat have a shooting consultant now. If this one doesnt work, you get another. And, if needed, another. The good thing is the games dont matter as much in the moment. And around good players, be it at Duke or even during last seasons playoff run, Winslow has shown he can make it work, even with the wayward shot. Just dont expect him to be, at this stage of his career, the first-, second - or perhaps even third-best player on your roster. He certainly looked a lot better when Wade, Goran Dragic and Hassan Whiteside were thriving. This season is skewing a lot of appearances with the Heat. Q: Dallas-area sports radio were glad the Mavericks didnt get Hassan Whiteside. Fears of a low motor after big dollars were founded -- Sergio. A: I will say this, I do not believe that any of Hassans lackluster play has anything to do with the four-year, 98 million contract he received from the Heat, beating out Dallas July 1 overtures. I just dont. Now, the quotmotorquot issue is something that certainly deserves further consideration. And while Erik Spoelstra has mostly said all the right things, the issue at hand is getting Whiteside to appreciate that this is an every-game league. Yes, over the course of an 82-game schedule youre going to have off nights. And you can sprinkle in about 10 during the six months. The concern is that Hassan already has used up most of those. Someone needs to find a way to get through, to draw out the passion. Sooner. Rather than later. Q: Ira, this is just atrocious. What is happening with this team Can someone explain how you have a two-time-champion coach and they give him a team full of NBA teams leftovers, players that didnt help their previous teams (minus James Johnson and Wayne Ellington). Not only that, but we have no closer, no main go-to guy. I mean Pat Riley needs to stop playing it safe and be honest with us fans that this will not be a fast rebuild. -- George. A: I agree that this team was not necessarily built to contend. The one chance was a fast start, with few injuries. Both of those factors quickly were scotched. What is left is the hope of the draft lottery and free agency. There is nothing wrong with Riley speaking of a rapid rebuild. But now the pressure shifts to the front office, where there must be ultimate success both in the draft and with the salary-cap cash about to come free from Chris Boshs contract. It is pressure far greater than what currently is on the shoulders of Winslow or Whiteside. Q: What is wrong with Hassan Whiteside This guy is not up to it physically, doesnt play defense and is too slow up the floor. For the money Whiteside gets, he needs to play at a high level. -- Horace. A: There are times when too much attention is paid to body language. But body language matters when you are perceived as a teams franchise player, particularly when you call yourself a franchise player. With Whiteside, actions mean a lot. And actions beyond shot blocks and dunks, similarly to how all the skill play in the world cant save DeMarcus Cousins from inspection because of his actions. NBA basketball is hard, physical, demanding work. But you know that going in. It also requires only about 2 12 hours of intensity 82 days a year. The next step for Hassan has to be about his motor, a motor that has to rev as highly on the nights when its not going as well as his 20-15 nights. And, no, that is not too much to ask. For years, as he toiled overseas and in the D-League, Hassan craved the spotlight. Now the glare is as bright on his not-so-best nights as on the ones he dominates. As Erik Spoelstra says, greatness means being an all-the-time player. That is the next level for Whiteside. His next steps have to be eliminating the doubts he can get there. Q: Hi, Ira. So I asked Santa for outside shooting for my Heat team. -- Cori, Charlotte, N. C. A: And all you got was a lump of coal Its not only getting the 3-pointers and outside shots from Tyler Johnson, Josh Richardson and James Johnson, its getting them frequently enough so there is respect from the defense. The goal seemingly had become utilizing a stretch four alongside Whiteside to space the offense. And Josh McRoberts was getting there. Now, with McRoberts sidelined again, it will be interesting to see if Erik Spoelstra turns to the outside shooting of Derrick Williams or Luke Babbitt, or tries to find it elsewhere in the rotation. Q: Its a shame were slightly better than the other bottom feeders. It would help to lose. -- A. F. A: This, not the losing, is what makes this season so trying from this perspective, that the occasional feel-good win instantly gets classified into something else. You also are attempting to nurture a winning culture, which only comes with at least the occasional win. So deal. If you get Hassan Whiteside, Justise Winslow, Tyler Johnson and Josh Richardson too accepting of losing, you may never recover their winning spirit. You see it all the time on going-nowhere franchises. Q: If Josh McRoberts is going to be out, cant the Heat just cut him and bring in another player --Vic. A: The problem with that, with McRoberts holding a 6 million player option for next season, is that the Heat would be on the hook for that entire amount on their 2017-18 salary cap. What the Heat could do is utilize the stretch provision, where McRoberts would receive his full remaining salary, but the Heat can spread out that 6 million over three seasons, for a 2 million hit for three consecutive cap years starting in 2017-18. The only benefit of such a move at the moment would be to open a roster spot, perhaps for a youthful candidate from their D-League affiliate. Of course, the Heat could yet open a roster spot due to Chris Boshs situation or perhaps by applying for a roster exemption if these injuries continue to again mount. Most likely, the Heat will stick with McRoberts, if perhaps to see if there could be one final chance to make this work, or perhaps one final chance to see if he can be packaged into some type of cap-saving trade (as a plus-one with Goran Dragic). Q: Is the Heats record a good indication of how this team is Or have we not seen the full potential because of the injuries -- D. Y. A: With all of these injuries, Im not sure we will ever see what this team could have been (which certainly is the case with Chris Bosh failing his preseason physical). And Im not sure, at this stage, with this record, that it any longer is about seeing what this team could be. Instead, I believe it comes down to this being a season about individual-player evaluation, to see what Justise Winslow can be, what Tyler Johnson can be, what Josh Richardson can be, what Hassan Whiteside can be. Q: With Goran Dragic out, we now get to see what life without Goran might look like -- Lineiro. A: Im not sure thats a direction the Heat will (or should) necessarily choose. But Tuesday did allow the Heat to at least get a glimpse into how the tandem of Josh Richardson and Tyler Johnson at point guard might work. With both, Im not sure they have that innate ability to hit a teammate at the prime moment for a scoring opportunity. But an argument could be made that is why moments such as Tuesday night are significant, for the two to grow into those moments. What Josh Richardson showed is what we already knew, that at this point of his NBA development he is more scorer than playmaker. The same arguably can be said about Tyler Johnson. Q: I really dont understand any of this Goran Dragic trade talk. He has his limits, but hes cheap, he plays hard, and despite the major roster changes since he got to Miami, he seems to want to stay. The Heat are pretty bad right now, but there are some options in the near future without dismantling what assets we have. Everyone needs to chill and watch our young talent develop. I do expect Pat Riley to shake things up once that Chris Bosh money becomes available. Hes never been the type to settle for mediocre. -- Tony, Big Sur, Calif. A: To me, putting aside all the Dragic speculation, it comes down to this: Goran Dragic will be 31 heading into next season, only three years younger than Dwyane Wade. Granted, Dragic doesnt have nearly as much mileage on him. But if the Heat are taking a long view with their restructuring, then age has to factor in. If not, then it would appear too much weight was put on Wades age. So the best option might be to wait on a draft loaded with lottery-level point guards and then see your position of need, including perhaps trading down to a team that needs a point guard, retaining Dragic, and then adding another asset in the process. The one factor that could sway all of that is a too-good-to-pass-up trade option. To a degree, thats why having Gorans name out there is probably not the worst of all worlds for the Heat, since it keeps him in the thoughts of win-now teams that might consider Dragics experience an asset. Q: I know the Heat will win some close ones. Practice makes perfect, and the law of averages. -- Stuart. A: If that, indeed, is the goal. Look, this season is like few others in the Heats 29-year history. Is winning the ultimate goal The reason I say that is the question of whether they would have (if he was available) inserted Dion Waiters into some of these late-game situations in order to let him work his isolation game or whether the preference would have been to allow the likes of Tyler Johnson and Josh Richardson to grow through such moments If the Heat absolutely, positively were playing to win these games amid all these injuries, they could have waived a Derrick Williams or even Udonis Haslem (temporarily) and gone after a Lance Stephenson or Gary Neal for short-term help. But this season is about more, apparently, than just seizing every possible moment any which way. Q: Ira, in your opinion, would Serge Ibaka be a good complement to Hassan Whiteside (and Goran Dragic) The Heat never really got to see quottwin towersquot with Hassan and Chris Bosh, but could it work -- Gabriel, Miami. A: First, there was enough of a sample size with Bosh to raise question about whether Whiteside works well alongside another big man, especially one that does not have complete a skill set as Bosh. Plus this roster, as currently constituted, cries out for a scoring wing, one who could conceivably play as a closer. Remember, with the new collective-bargaining agreement and all of its twists, it is likely the Heat will be able to secure a maximum of one max-level free agent, if even that. Q: Ira, think of all these games when the Heat couldnt have scored at the end when Dion Waiters could have helped. This will be a new team when he returns. -- Steve. A: Except Im curious how much, if at all, Dion will play. When the Heat were shorthanded, especially on the wing, Waiters isolation play was essential. But it doesnt mean that his play necessarily advanced the Heats long-range goals. What the Heat cant do, with their forward-thinking approach, is allow their glut on the wing to get in the way of the development of Justise Winslow, Josh Richardson and Tyler Johnson. Plus, the approach going forward likely will be more about ball movement than isolation play, especially with Goran Dragic playing at such a high level. So with James Johnson having earned his minutes with his aggressive play off the bench, and with Wayne Ellington, when he returns, having shown the advantages he can provide when spacing the floor, it will be interesting to see where exactly Waiters fits in. While its all but assured that Dion will opt out of the second and final year of his two-year Heat contract, it will be curious to see if the Heat cover that base with a potential trade of Waiters once all their other wing options are healthy. Q: Ira, I understand the concept of the Johnsons coming off of the bench to bring energy. However, dont you think that a teams most productive players should play more minutes James Johnson makes a more palpable impact than Josh McRoberts or Luke Babbitt. -- Matt, Boynton Beach. A: Im still not sure what the true story is at power forward, with, as it is, Justise Winslow getting most of the crunch-time minutes at the position, anyway. I think the goal, at the start, was to see if they could make something out of Babbitt as a stretch four, considering they hold his Bird Rights. And with McRoberts, there still are those cap concerns with his player option for next season. Between Babbitt and Derrick Williams is sure seems like a position where the Heat could clear roster space for a younger prospect (Okaro White), knowing, as you mention, that James Johnson is capable of taking minutes there, as well. Q: We need a closer. Someone please just emerge from this pile and be a leader. Maybe we just have a bunch of complimentary players. -- Mark, Cooper City. Q: Hi, Ira. How are we to determine which position we need when we still havent defined positions for Justise Winslow, Josh Richardson, and Tyler Johnson That supposedly is our future young core. At this point, give them all the minutes and trade away players that would cut into their minutes. -- Joshua, Delray Beach. A: But there are risks with that approach, as well. Its like leaving a pitcher or a goalie in too long when its not their night. That can shatter confidence. And thats the balance the Heat and Erik Spoelstra have to walk. You want to grow your players, but you also want to grow them in an atmosphere that is not too toxic. So that can mean on the night when Winslow or Richardson or Tyler Johnson to perhaps back off so a 1 of 7 doesnt turn into a confidence-sapping 2 of 15. That also is why you have to play to win the games, so when those players are having good nights it doesnt consistently get soured with a bad overall result. These are testing time for both players and franchise. There are no easy answers, but what you cant do is allow these moments to sour the outlook of your future components going forward. Q: I think Justise Winslow can be a great No. 2 option. I just dont think his ceiling is Kawhi Leonard. Justises ceiling is Luol Deng. -- Dallas, Staten Island, N. Y. A: The Heat can only hope so. In fact, if Winslow can reach the mid-range consistency that Deng developed, he would work well going forward alongside Hassan Whiteside. Look, what you are trying to do with a roster is check off as many boxes as possible. With Winslow, you can fill the category of quotperimeter stopper. quot I dont think any of the teams that coveted Winslow in the draft coveted him as a franchise player, nor necessarily did the Heat at a time they had Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. If Winslow can, in fact, as you say, become a No. 2 option, that would put the Heat ahead of the curve. Im not sure Deng truly even stood at that point in his career. Q: If Goran Dragic gets traded, it should only be for multiple draft picks. I like his game. I liked him when he was in Phoenix and was elated when the Heat got him. -- Robert, Falls Church, Va. A: I doubt, with the premium the new collective-bargaining agreement places on draft picks, that the Heat could get a package that includes more than one first-round pick for Goran, especially when considering the Heat could have to take back a similar salary (unless cap space is utilized). Ultimately, those two potential lottery picks the Heat sent to the Suns will come as a punitive reminder of when the Heat never saw these outcomes with Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. So all of it comes down to whether you ride with Dragic into his 30s, or turn to youth and potential salary-cap relief. Q: Ira, put aside what Goran Dragic wants, because that almost never matters when a team makes a trade. What you didnt address was whether you would trade him. -- Henry. A: For all the observations I offer in my blog, and for all of my instant (something too-instant) analysis I offer after trades, I dont actually get a say in the process. That probably is better for all parties involved. What I will say is the Dragic speculation certainly has merit, if only because of how dramatically the circumstances have changed between when he was brought in and now, with Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh gone. However, I also believe this is not a situation when you act with haste. To me, you trade Dragic if you know you can get a lottery-level point guard who has displayed the possibilities of immediately stepping into an NBA lineup (and Junes draft might actually prove prospects at that level) or if you can secure a similar talent in free agency at a more cost-efficient salary-cap price point, something you likely wont know until July. For all the South Florida focus on what Dragic isnt, opposing coaches offer nightly glowing pregame analysis of Dragic, including from Alvin Gentry before Fridays game in New Orleans. When considering a Dragic trade, be careful of what you wish for, and remember the lineage at the position for the Heat between Tim Hardaway and Goran. And also keep in mind how much Dragic wants to be here, including pushing through back spasms in Fridays loss. Put it this way, how many nights have there been when you didnt believe Dragic gave ultimate effort And then ask yourself about some of the others he has played alongside. Q: Hassan Whiteside should be the third-best player on a contender. Someone always stat-stuffs on mediocre teams, be it Amare Stoudemire, Dwight Howard, etc. -- C. J. A: Which is why Erik Spoelstra always gets back to quotwinning plays. quot And thats what you have to see when considering the two most important questions with any player in the NBA: Can that player lead you to the playoffs Can that player lead you to a championship In some ways, even with his shooting struggles, Justise Winslow has shown that quality. And Hassan was starting to show it during last seasons playoffs before he was injured. But what the Heat need to get to with Whiteside are stats. and wins. Yes, he faced brutal challenges in the post Friday. But its also about hustling back on defense when one possession can change a game, which certainly was the case Friday. Q: The Heat will go nowhere without one guy who can take over a game, and unless some general manager trades a franchise player or any one of the 2017 free agents turns into something theyre historically not, I say go for Markelle Fultz or Josh Jackson. -- William. A: Which, of course, is why there is so much askance viewing of the Heats current situation. And Im not sure I can disagree. One colleague told me he is convinced that Gordon Hayward can answer that need for the Heat in free agency. Im not convinced of that. By a longshot. A nice player Sure. A franchise player Not sold. But Hayward, even at his free-agency money, is far more likely to give you something tangible than the all-or-nothing gambit on a one-and-done collegian. I think the ultimate answer for the Heat could be a trade for an overprized distressed property, eventually utilizing Chris Boshs salary-cap space. Q: I saw some flashes of Justice Winslow trying to lead the team Thursday night, but then I also saw him being out of control, too. Do you see any future with him as a possible leading man rather than a role player if he improves his shooting -- Darcy, Nashville, Tenn. A: What the victory over the Lakers showed is that Justise has to play in attack mode in order to maximize his skill set. And he is able to play in attack mode when others are spacing the floor, as the Heat did with their 11-of-22 3-point shooting. This time, Justise took just a single 3-pointer and initiated most of his offense either in transition or from the elbow. Part of that was the way the Lakers defended, and part of it was both teams electing to play small when their centers were out (the Lakers because of injuries the Heat by choice). But you could see the aggression across the board, with Justise also closing with 13 rebounds, four steals and three assists. Moments like Thursdays are why so many were intrigued during the 2015 draft. The potential is there. And while the range might not be there, there still are ways to activate himself in the offense. Thursday, he clearly was activated. Q: Ira, the Heat will play hard, but after 30 games, regardless of injuries, I dont think we will see much better than we have seen so far. The young guys will get more experience, but the winning percentage will not change much. Am I wrong -- Robert. A: Actually, I believe the winning percentage will improve, if only because of so many bad breaks in so many close games (Serge Ibakas over-the-shoulder toss in the Magic game, really). But I agree that the upside of what is in place, with the expected inconsistency of youth, likely would be .500 play the rest of the way, which would yield a 36-46 finish. And even that could be challenging in the short run, with nine of the next 11 on the road. If the Heat are still a mere 10 below .500 on Jan. 14, after their six-game circus trip, then perhaps the 36-win level could be attained or possibly surpassed. But thats asking a lot with the upcoming road games in Charlotte, Boston, against the Clippers and at Golden State. Q: Do you think Goran Dragic and Hassan Whiteside are good enough to be the foundation of this team Why with Dragic and Whiteside are the Heat not winning more -- Verum. A: Which is a very good question and one that has to be answered sooner rather than later. I would have thought the answer would have been yes. But until the Heat add a scoring wing to the mix, Im not sure if well get to know. Right now the pressure is on the two to play a two-man game, and there has to be more from any team than the single action of a one-five pick-and-roll. All too often, the spacing is lacking because of a lack of 3-point shooting. So the real question is whether the Heat can afford to bide their time with Dragic and Whiteside while waiting on a wing scorer, or whether something has to be sacrificed in the interim to get that wing scorer. You could see the possibilities on Thursday night, when Winslow, Tyler Johnson and James Johnson were so effective. But that also was against the Lakers dreary defense. Q: Ira, quotfranchise playerquot quotFranchise playerquot Hassan Whiteside is not playing the game one against five. Franchise player is not playing the game solely. Send LeBron James out there all by himself and see how many games he wins. Put more than complementary players around Hassan and you will see how they will complement the young man. -- Masoud, Tucson, Ariz. Q: Tuesday was a fun game to watch. Im not expecting much from them and I dont think Whiteside is a franchise player. Chris Bosh was our last. -- Edward. A: The franchise-player debate is a fascinating one, and not something a player can bestow upon himself. It also is not a measure of salary. In fact, Im not even sure Bosh ever was a quotfranchise player, quot because of the limited success his teams had in Toronto and the complementary game he played with the Heat alongside LeBron James and Dwyane Wade, both of whom were. I think its particularly difficult for a big man to be a franchise player, because it often requires a playmaker getting him the ball (yes, I know there have been exceptions, but many of those big-man exceptions also played with exceptional point guards). I think the quotfranchise playerquot portion of Whitesides comments might have been over the top, but not his desire for the ball. Thats a good thing, to want to dominate. But part of it also is learning how to dominate, and that takes time, not just being one or two months removed from being a complementary component. Q: Does it not make more sense to start Justise Winslow, Josh Richardson and play Tyler Johnson more I think we need to find out if these players are part of the Heat future. Lets play them as much as we can to see if they stick. -- Chris, Miami. A: And with Rodney McGruders ankle injury, the Heat were able to get to that Tuesday night. And, I agree, should stay with it. The only way to fully explore Winslows positional possibilities is to explore them. Is he a small forward or a power forward (which basically is an issue of whether he can defend opposing power forwards) So not only do there have to be nights like Tuesday where he starts at small forward, but also perhaps some time at power forward going forward, as well. On the other hand, the Heat cannot afford to fall in love with Josh Richardson and Tyler Johnson as franchise cornerstones if thats perhaps not who they are. Again, play them and see. There is little downside to experimenting when you have this roster and this record. Q: Ira, can you foresee a trade possibility with teams like the Celtics (so many future draft picks) or a team in need of a passing big man for Josh McRoberts -- Luis, Miami. A: Based on what the word was last summer, when the Heat were considering ways to expand camp space amid the Dwyane Wade negotiations, it wont be as much a matter of what the Heat could get in return, but rather if there is any possibility of offloading McRoberts 2017-18 player-option year. As was the case then, I would have to believe that any team willing to take on McRoberts essentially could get him with nothing going the Heats way in return. For now, the Heat continue to showcase. Q: Do franchise players refer to themselves as franchise players -- Z. Z. A: To get those up to speed who went to bed early, or at least shortly after Tuesdays double-overtime loss to the Magic, in the wake of getting only three shots combined in the two overtime periods, Hassan Whiteside said when asked if he is getting enough touches, quotThey say Im the franchise player. I would think I should get more. But, I dont know, man. I dont think so to be honest. Coach is going to coach. quot The thing is, what Pat Riley has said is he believes with growth that Whiteside can become the focus of the offense. The problem, at least from this perspective, is that when you go with relative NBA neophytes such as Tyler Johnson, Josh Richardson and Justise Winslow, youre not necessarily going to get the cleanest offense. And while Goran Dragic was on the court for those minutes, he increasingly has been standing alone as the primary perimeter option (although Tyler Johnson did a good job of attacking Tuesday). The dilemma is while you develop the rest of your roster, the clock is ticking on each of these 20 million-plus seasons with Whiteside. And if you draft a rookie point guard, then youre resetting the clock again. But for all the make-nice comments from the team, how are these beliefs from Whiteside going to get resolved Because its not as if he wasnt also doing it on his own, when it came to his 15 rebounds and five blocks shots. Q: Spoelstra should have used James Johnson. -- Leo. A: I was thinking the same thing during the latter stages Tuesday, when the exhausted Heat needed energy and someone who could create his own offense, perhaps even get a body on Serge Ibaka to slow him down. But what I don8217t know, what has not been truly delineated by the Heat, is what is the endgame for this season Is it to season the younger players at all costs Which makes such pressure moments as Tuesday invaluable going forward. Or is to compete enough so that the team can appreciate playing to win Because if that is that case, then based on his body of work, James Johnson deserved to play more than 23 seconds combined in the two overtimes. Q: How does losing in such fashion repeatedly help the development of the core young players If anything, its stunting growth and establishing palpable fear late in games that trickles down to affect every aspect of decision making. How does the coaching staff address this -- Adam, West Palm Beach. A: You address it by mixing in enough that gives you the best chance to win -- if winning is, indeed, the ultimate goal. The mood in the locker room was somber Tuesday, as it has been after so many of these close losses, like the ones the past three games when also factoring what happened against the Clippers and Celtics. This is when one more veteran piece could have helped, like the veteran piece the Magic has in Serge Ibaka, or even what Jeff Green provided in his been-there, done-that minutes. The Heat have lacked that piece this entire season. Injuries certainly have been a factor, and with a Wayne Ellington or Dion Waiters, Tuesdays outcome might have been different. But it wasnt. It only was disheartening, based on the faces in the locker room. Q: Are there at least five players on the Heat that we can see probably getting traded -- Rolando. A: Five Five Im not sure anyone will be, because its the market that creates the interest. I think it essentially is down to whether the Heat trade Goran Dragic. First, you cant rush to Hassan Whitesides doorstep the first hour of free agency and then turn around and trade a supposed franchise cornerstone. Beyond that, there is a reason the players the Heat added in the offseason were available. So its not as if any team is second-guessing allowing them to get away. And you cant give up on cost-effective youth at this stage, which puts Josh Richardson and Justise Winslow out of the equation. Beyond that, Tyler Johnson can veto any trade this season, so I doubt any outside team would even make overtures. So, really, it could start and end with Dragic. And that comes down to where the Heat stand on Feb. 23, the NBA trading deadline, and whether such a trade would net affordable long-range assets, such as draft picks or players on the rookie scale. Q: Would it be plausible for the Heat to trade, say, Luke Babbitt for a second-round pick and then call up a D-Leaguer like Okaro White or Briante Weber -- Jorel. A: I doubt there would be any type of trade market for Babbitt or Derrick Williams or any of the other players on one-year deals who have fallen out of the rotation. But there is nothing to stop the Heat from waiving a player such as Babbitt to create a roster spot, and then lock in a White, Weber or any other young free agent to a multi-year deal in order to have insurance against the cap. That seemingly certainly will be the case when Chris Bosh is waived. Remember, Tyler Johnson was a midseason addition from the D-League and that move paid early, affordable dividends. Q: Erik Spoelstra should know that Tyler Johnson is not a point guard. -- Gene. A: Spoelstras response assuredly would be that Johnson is a guard. Période. But you can see that when Johnson is on the floor and Goran Dragic is not that the Heat need another ballhandler, such as Justise Winslow or Josh Richardson. Several opponents, including the Celtics on Sunday, have applied immediate pressure when Johnson enters to run the offense. His ballhandling is not yet at NBA level for a point guard. Q: Ira, I know a lot of us want to see wins every night out or at least the competitive energy from core players every time out. But in reality dont the core young guys have to go through this to get to where we all hope they can get to down the road I mean we are talking about three second-year players and a 27-year-old that was playing at the YMCA a few years ago. Dont they have to go through the ups and downs of an NBA season to eventually understand how to win and how to want to be that guy every night I think thats why its important that those four get the playing time and all of the good and bad that come with it. -- Doug, Oakland, Calif. A: Which is why games such as Sundays might be the perfect mix for the Heat. Players such as Justise Winslow, Josh Richardson, Tyler Johnson and Hassan Whiteside all get significant fourth-quarter minutes, the home crowd gets to witness a compelling finish, and no damage is done to the Heats lottery chances. No, this had nothing to do with tanking, but the result included the means to also advance the younger players, as you mentioned. It allowed Winslow to experience the desperation of late-game situations. It afforded Richardson the opportunity to take big shots. And it showed Whiteside that even more is needed. When is a loss not a total loss When it allows players to make gains. Q: Too many slow starts for the Heat. Richardson and Winslow need to start the games from here on out. Need some more life. -- Mac, Toronto. A: I thought Winslow should have been in Sundays starting lineup, and believe that should be the case going forward. Are you grooming him as a backup Or are you going to take this relatively low-pressure situation in order to advance his possibilities I can understand appreciating the energy of Tyler Johnson off the bench. But if Winslows upside is only that of a utility player, then you are in trouble, anyway. At worst, youll fail forward. Q: Erik Spoelstra had 6-foot-3 players guarding Jaw Crowder and Al Horford and didnt play Josh McRoberts when he is one of our best defenders. -- Leon. A: First of all, yes, Goran Dragic did open defensively on Crowder, but it was James Johnson (albeit undersized) who was on Horford during some late possessions. As for McRoberts, it has been three years and I still have trouble with what the Heat actually think of him. Hes been deemed worthy of starting, but the minutes remain minimal. I can understand wanting to play Winslow at power forward in some situations, but it does not seem that McRoberts is trusted as much late as early. Just a tough read. Q: Ira, with all due respect to Rodney McGruder, not only is he not a scorer, hes also too small to defend bigger opponents and does not draw defensive attention when he has the ball. You have to have a wing player who knows how to score and defend in order to put yourself in a position where you at least have a chance to win. Once Dion Waiters comes back, do you see McGruder being out of the rotation -- Darryl, Fitzgerald, Ga. A: I understand that Erik Spoelstra put together the current lineup out of necessity, that with Justise Winslow out for all those games, he needed another facilitator, thus the addition of Josh McRoberts. But as this season teeters, it is important not to lose sight of this being the means to greater success down the road. So with Winslow now showing he again is fit enough for starters minutes, and with Tyler Johnson expected back, I would start Winslow at power forward and Josh Richardson either at shooting guard or small forward (depending on whether Wayne Ellington is able to play). That still would leave the energy of Tyler Johnson and James Johnson off the bench. Winslow and Richardson are the future. While McGruder might be part of that future, it almost assuredly will not be as a starter. Yes, its early in the season. But it also might be getting late when it comes to meaningful games for the Heat. Q: The Heat really dont have that closer (like Dwyane Wade or a similar star) who can win a game like against the Clippers. Toward the end of the game, when it got close, it didnt seem like anyone on the Heat wanted the ball. It was pass the hot potato. Also Hassan Whiteside didnt get the ball in the fourth quarter as the game wound down. Its hard to justify 98 million when he isnt a go-to guy. Superstars find a way. -- Stuart. A: Which is why you use these games and this season to see who that player might be. Perhaps it will be Justise Winslow, with an attacking style that could get him to the foul line. Perhaps Josh Richardson or Tyler Johnson, who has displayed all kinds of courage in fourth quarters. As for Whiteside, if you cant make a free throw, then you are allows giving the defense a potential bailout in those situations. So continue to explore your options, while also making sure that the end-game doesnt turn into hack-a-Hassan. Q: Do you think the Heat have enough to contend for a playoff seed or do you think the Heat should quotrestquot their way to the lottery I know we have legitimate injury concerns now, but Im not sure that the Heat might not be stretching the recovery times out longer in order to play the lottery. On the other hand, I think Pat Riley would go all out for the playoffs if there was a chance for that to happen. -- Robert, Miami. A: I agree about Riley and about the Heat not being in a place where they are that far from getting back into playoff contention. But I agree that it appears the urgency of getting players back in the lineup is not quite what it has been in recent seasons. That doesnt mean that Im not totally wrong. Im just talking about appearances, and how there have been so few short-term absences this season. Q: Hi, Ira. I have been waiting for the new CBA negotiations to end to ask you this question. I know everybody is talking about trading Goran Dragic, even the fans keep saying that, which doesnt make sense. Why would Pat Riley even consider trading Dragic, when he is earning far less than any player of his caliber -- Gago, Los Angeles. A: That is a point Ive been making since we found out exactly where these maximum salaries are going, which is to a stratosphere double where Goran stands with his 17 million salary next season. But that also could come down to whether the Heat find a value contract at point guard in the draft, or even better value in free agency (which certainly appears unlikely). Thats the thing, its one thing to talk about an upgrade, but how much of an upgrade is actually out there, and how many upgrades would be at a price point similar to Gorans Of course, if the Heat believe that Tyler Johnson and Josh Richardson can handle the position over the long run, then addressing other areas would make sense. I dont see that immediate possibility with either Johnson or Richardson. As it is, performances like Fridays from Dragic show that he can put you in position to win against elite talent. Q: The Heat should have rested players Friday against the Clippers, with winnable games upcoming against the Celtics, Magic and Lakers. Pat Riley should have said something to Erik Spoelstra. -- Matt. A: Only you dont do that when youre in the Heats position and not when you have a day off before and a day off after. But thats where the Heat stand these days, with a roster largely incapable of beating the NBAs true elite, be it the Spurs, Cavaliers and now Clippers. It is why giving away those other home games was so painful. But you are correct that there should be greater hope over the final three games of this homestand against the Celtics, Magic and Lakers And if there is to be any realistic playoff hope, this is a homestand that requires a 5-1 record. So you move beyond Fridays game, hope Tyler Johnson is not ill on Sunday against the Celtics, hope Wayne Ellington can make it back with his hamstring (unlikely) and try to maximize the longest homestand of the season. Q: How can Hassan Whiteside saying the DeAndre Jordan quotjust catches lobsquot not be seen as insulting -- Lauren. A: Context. He was saying thats all that DeAndre has to do in a lineup that also features Chris Paul, Blake Griffin and J. J. Redick. In fact, I believe Hassan would it find it anything but insulting if he had to go back to a similar role, with a roster stocked to the point it was when the Heat had Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. And, you know what, pretty much all DeAndre Jordan does is catch lobs. With the re-emergence of the center position, it would not be shocking to see Jordan go from first-team All-NBA to off all three of those teams. Chalk it up to Whitesides learning curve. And with his pregame clarification Friday, it does appear that he is making progress in that area, as well. Q: I would really love to see James Johnson re-sign. His play off the bench on a potentially contending team could be huge. My question is how likely is he to stay Do you see J. J. fitting in the payroll on a salary close to this year, or is he outplaying that level of contract -- A. I. A: Johnson is earning 4 million this season and the reason he likely will command far more in the offseason goes beyond his impressive recent play. Under the soon-to-be-ratified new collective-bargaining agreement, the mid-level exception this summer is expected to fall into the range of 8 million, twice what Johnson is earning this season. And with maximum contracts rising to 36 million starting next season, the math is going to get particularly challenging for cap-space teams such as the Heat. Johnson has had nothing but praise about his Heat experience. But a lot can change between December and July. It could come down to Johnsons play reaching a level where the Heat view him as significant as the longshot chance for a second near-maximum free agent. And remember, Johnson does not have any sort of Bird Rights, so cap space will be the only means to retain him beyond a sizeable salary cut. Q: Whats the point in winning, honestly I mean the ceiling for this team would be anywhere from 10th to eighth place. If by a miracle the Heat actually place eighth in the East they will be dismantled and embarrassed by Cleveland. And if they dont make the playoffs, they will just get a worse draft pick. I just truly dont understand it. This way we will be stuck in mediocrity. -- Bruno, Fort Lauderdale. A: Because to win, you have to learn how to win. And if you poison Justise Winslow, Josh Richardson, Tyler Johnson and even Hassan Whiteside with the notion that losing is acceptable, then you just might be poisoning their careers going forward for the hope that a lottery pick will be at least as good as any of them (which is not a guarantee, especially with that pick likely to be a one-and-done 19-year-old). If you take that approach then you might as well completely clean house, because you otherwise are developing a toxic atmosphere, turning your franchise into something that more closely resembles the Kings. Q: Ira, did you know Craig Sager I am very sad. -- Jeff. A: We all are. He was the same person privately as the one you saw on television, inquisitive and gregarious. As I posted on Twitter, every flight I took alongside Craig was a flight that ended too soon. He not only had stories, he listened. He made sure to enjoy himself and made you enjoyed yourself. I learned a lot from Craig, and it transcended something as insignificance as sports. Q: Is James Johnson the guy left on the outside with Justise Winslow available and Rodney McGruder starting -- Matt. A: First, the lineup likely will wind up in as much flux as the rotation, itself. Beyond Udonis Haslem, who has not been playing, the players most likely to fall out of the rotation are Luke Babbitt and Derrick Williams, both of whom were held out Wednesday. In fact, if the Heat seek to create a roster spot before a decision is made on Chris Bosh (and Okaro White has been tearing it up for their D-League affiliate), it would not be a shock if Luke Babbitt were to be waived, with no option or Heat contractual commitment going forward beyond this season. It was a bit of surprise to see Willie Reed in the rotation Wednesday with Winslow back, but that likely was a factor of Hassan Whiteside being called for two first-quarter fouls. Q: Sometimes. that No. 21. -- Mike. A: Which is why the expectations are and should be high with Hassan Whiteside. Because he can. And the way this team is built and the way the teams salaries are structured, more performances like Wednesdays would be embraced. Thats the thing -- he can do it. The next step is as often as possible, accepting that not every player can possibly have it every game over this 82-game grind. To a man, teammates said after Wednesdays game that Hassan is the key to opening this rosters possibilities. He did on Wednesday, with just about every one of those 26 points and 22 rebounds needed. Q: Would you agree that Miami has found the perfect backup for Hassan Whiteside Willie Reed is known for his defense but I dont think people are aware of how crafty he is on offensive end. Hes a decent mid - range shooter and has skills down in the post. Needless to say, I hope management considers him a piece to go along with Hassan Whiteside, Justise Winslow, Tyler Johnson, and Josh Richardson for the future. -- D. J. Tallahassee. A: This is a chance, especially at his price point. The Heat attempted to go small earlier in the season. But for all the talk of Josh McRoberts primarily playing at center, that has not been the case recently. Of course, with the way the results have been lately, its not as if Erik Spoelstra is locked into any approach. A lot of it with Reed at the moment is how the opposition goes off the bench in the middle. If they go small, it will limit his opportunities. That proved to be the case Wednesday, with Al Jefferson limited to 10 minutes for the Pacers. That reduced the need for Reed, who only went seven. Q: Ira, do you think its best if Miami keeps Justise Winslow out for the rest of the season The guy has a lot of potential and can possibly be a future star. The last thing youd want is to damage that, right -- Darryl, Fitzgerald, Ga. A: First, that is not happening, with it looking more and more as if Justise will be back this week. And he needs to get back. And he needs to reestablish his confidence after a rough shooting start to the season. And the Heat have to get a read, as soon as possible, about where he fits in the plans going forward. Pat Riley said in July that the blueprint was to lock in Winslow as the teams small forward of the future. But if the reality shows otherwise, that Winslow might be more of a sixth-man defensive stopper, then the Heat needs to learn that, as well. While there has been plenty of second-guessing about taking Winslow over Devin Booker or even Myles Turner, thats all moot at this stage. But what the Heat have to learn going forward is whether there still is a need for a small forward of the future, and whether that needs to either be mined in the draft (Josh Jackson), free agency (Gordon Hayward) or in a trade (Rudy Gay). The Heat not only need Winslow back, they have to see as much of Justise as possible the balance of this season. Q: Who said the Heats turnaround has to be after this year What about long-term planning Plan for two years, three years down the road. Have patience to contend. -- C. J. A: Because thats not the vibe the Heat have been putting out, nor should it be, with the potential windfall of recouping Chris Boshs salary-cap space and then having the opportunity in both the draft and free agency (or through trades) for immediate splashes. When you are spending like you are spending on Hassan Whiteside, you dont want each of those 20 million seasons to tick away without anything tangible in the standings. If the Heat, indeed, had a three - or four-year plan, then the outlay on Whiteside might have been better spent on a player younger than 27. No, part of what makes Pat Riley who he is is patience that expires after one year. Yes, he has stepped back at times, be it in 2007-08 or even 2014-15. But its never about doing it with a long-term vision that includes future suffering. That hasnt been the Heats way since the Heats way became Rileys way. Q: The Grizzlies are rolling. Should the Heat have promoted David Fizdale to head coach -- Rob. A: I can assure you that there was no way Fizdale ever was going to even consider taking over for Spoelstra, not that it ever was an issue. No, Spoelstra groomed Fizdale for this moment with many of the same tenets that the Heat utilize, with many inside the Grizzlies organization taking note of the imported culture. What it shows is that the Heats way still has a place in the NBA. And, again, if Erik Spoelstra ever became an ex-Heat coach, his phone would be ringing within a matter of minutes. Q: Can we play the Wizards every night -- Dan. A: Because, yes, the Heat are 2-0 against the Wizards and 6-17 against the rest of their schedule. The thing is, with this Heat roster, beating the elite teams is going to be a challenge, so you can more easily move past the two losses to the Spurs, the one to Cleveland, accept the split with the Grizzlies and justify the losses in Toronto, Portland, Atlanta and Chicago. But its the other ones, against teams similar to the Wizards, that got away that are the ones that continue to sting. If the Heat were able to hold their own against the middling, they wouldnt be in the position theyre in, where even a 4-2 homestand still would leave them eight games below .500. Now they have to find a way to quality wins, as well, like on this homestand against the Clippers and Celtics. Q: Ira, what is the status on Dion Waiters I would love to see him playing with Ellington -- Leo. A: He is supposed to be reevaluated this week, but that is just the first step toward a potential return. He was the lone player on the roster not to go through Mondays shootaround. But unless he claims the minutes of Wayne Ellington -- and the Heat appear to relish the spacing that Ellington can provide -- Im not sure where Waiters fits, now that Goran Dragic, Josh Richardson and Tyler Johnson all are playing significant minutes. At the start of the season, the Heat often had to turn to Waiters one-on-one offense. The offense is in a different place right now, and it8217s not as if Waiters is known for his defense, even though it certainly has been passable this season. Q: Goran Dragic needs to be traded as soon as possible. This dude is going to cause Miami to miss out on Josh Jackson, and Pat Riley would be stupid to do that. -- Aura. A: This certainly is a long, strange ride this season, what with solid efforts making players both essential to the moment, but possibly detrimental to the future. I still believe that if Goran can play and stay up to his potential, then at least for coming seasons, he would remain a valuable asset to the Heat. But I do see solid efforts from some players potentially setting up those players for trades. So you could say its a win-win, unless you are one of those players who is not sure what is going on. All I know is Monday felt good in the arena and in the locker room. And isnt that still part of the equation Q: Josh Richardson is a flat-out baller and top-notch guy. He and Udonis Haslem are only Heat players I consider untouchables in regards to trades. -- C. J. A: I chose to respond here not because of any such notion of Richardson or Haslem being untouchable (although Haslem has the right to block any trade because of his contract status), but, rather, to get to the greater question of: Are any Heat players off the table To be candid, I dont think so, which could make those decisions difficult when purchasing Heat jerseys as Christmas gifts. Start with Hassan Whiteside and all these attempts Erik Spoelstra has made to get Whitesides motor running at a consistently greater gear. Then there is Goran Dragic, who could be the Heats ticket to replenishing in the draft. Beyond that, I would have to believe that the right deal could land Justise Winslow, Richardson or Tyler Johnson, if anyone is willing to take on the final two years of his contract (he, too, can block any trade until the offseason). The point being is there are no untouchables here. And based on where this appears headed, that only makes sense. For the right package of prospects andor picks, Id have to believe that anything and everything will be explored. Q: Curious to why Tyler Johnson doesnt start It seems to me like he outperforms Rodney McGruder and Wayne Ellington on a nightly basis. -- Jacques. A: First, I would not put stock into anything about lineups or rotations amid all these injuries. But when the Heat were closer to healthy at the start of the season, Johnson helped provide scoring off the bench when Goran Dragic and Dion Waiters were starting. It could be as simple as waiting to see whenif Dragic is traded, to see if Johnsons move into the starting lineup could perhaps come at point guard. As a backup, thats where most of Johnsons minutes have been spent. Q: Derrick Williams looks lost, lacking confidence, and sporadic playing time has really messed him up. Is his career still salvageable with the Heat -- Doug, Alameda, Calif. A: Williams is one of those players that you wonder about from afar, convinced that the athleticism and hustle could and should translate into something. But when you see him up close and often, you get a sense that all that athleticism and hustle isnt translatable into something tangible from a basketball perspective. Derrick looks like he should be capable of contributing. But that hasnt been the case very often to this stage, either with the Heat, or seemingly elsewhere. To add the type of perspective many in this space apparently would welcome: Im not sure that Michael Beasley wouldnt give you more. Q: Ira, do you see us turning this around at all I dont think this is an issue of Miami being overhyped in the preseason, but more of us just not playing as good as we should. Were certainly better than were playing, in my option. -- Anthony. A: The next step from here, obviously, is health. But how the Heat choose to take their next steps could be a fascinating study. Having already fallen behind the pack, do the Heat go back to what this season always was about, namely featuring and seasoning young players such as Justise Winslow, Tyler Johnson, Josh Richardson and even Hassan Whiteside Or are veterans and potential rental pieces such as Dion Waiters, Luke Babbitt and James Johnson injected back into the mix as a means of upgrading the record, especially with the Heat entering a six-game homestand at a time when some ticket-renewal decisions are due Again, health has to come first. What follows could be an opening of the window to whats next over these final four months of the season. Q: When everyone get healthy, can you see Rodney McGruder starting for this team His defense and effort every night has given the Heat and endless motor. -- Migz. A: And thats a name I left off above and probably should not have, with McGruder showing the type of potential that Tyler Johnson and Josh Richardson offered when they were given their chances. Taking a long view, the most likely slot for McGruder would be in a tag-team role with Winslow, as the Heats designated perimeter stopper. While I dont see them starting together, I could see them on the floor together at the ends of games, when the Heat need a defensive stand. It probably would be wise to include McGruder on the list of prospects the Heat could increase their focus with if the playoffs are eliminated from the equation. But he has to make himself into more of an offensive threat, although an argument could be made that hes ahead of Winslow from that standpoint. Q: The Heat were forced to overpay for Chris Bosh, Hassan Whiteside and Tyler Johnson. Theyre going to have to be lucky now to build a contender with those contracts. -- C. J. A: Actually, there likely will be a reprieve with Boshs contract, potentially as early as Feb. 9, the one-year anniversary of his last game played before he yet again was sidelined due to blood clots. And it simply is too early to define how its going to play out with Whiteside and Johnson. Both have the ability to play up to their pay grade. With each, its a matter of consistency. Thats what seasons such as these are about, growing that consistency. Q: Anything on Hassan Whiteside being manhandled and quitting on the team -- Leo. A: First, I believe that is being a bit too severe. What I dont think was too severe was Erik Spoelstra yanking Hassan early in the third period, when the defense went from bad to worse. This is what has to be done, and its a significant part of coaching. It not only sent a message to Whiteside, but also to teammates that anything less than everything will not be tolerated. I said at the start of the season that an 82-game player is going to have about 10 games when he doesn8217t have it. Thats just part of the grueling nature of NBA life. But they cant keep on coming without accountability. Friday was a moment that could resonate with Hassan. The shame is that on a roster of so many strangers it is more difficult for the players to handle it on their own in the locker room. The Heat paid Whiteside to be great and Whiteside said he wants to be great. Greatness finds a way. On this team, it has to start and stop with Hassan. And it has to be about far more than stats. Q:Whiteside just doesnt get the ball in the post. Its inexcusable at this point in the season. They are going around him. -- Victor. A: No, theyre not. And part of that is fighting for such a tight seal and such deep post position that an entry pass cant be denied. Post play is hard work. But at the moment, this has nothing to do with offense. For the most part, that has been turned around. This is about a defense that has to be anchored by an active, aggressive, agile big man. The best way for Hassan to win back teammates after Friday night is to win them back on the defensive end. Q: There is a reason Miami went from arguably the best defense when Justise Winslow was available to one of the worst defenses when he is out. Miamis defensive foundation should be built around Justise Winslow, sort of like how the Spurs defense is based around Kawhi Leonard. -- Mac, Toronto. A: Which is sort of a rebuke to those who say its all about surrounding Whiteside with four shooters. One upside with all these absences is the Heat also are exploring the defensive possibilities of Rodney McGruder. The upshot of all of this could be a pair of defensive stoppers going forward. So there is that. Q: With John Walls comment about his teammates, is this the type of opportunity for Pat Riley to capitalize on -- V. S. A: Those familiar with this space appreciate that I rarely venture into trade speculation, because there are too many unknowns, including what it actually takes to make a deal (your question offered up the possibility of Goran Dragic and Justise Winslow for Wall and Otto Porter, but Im not sure the Wizards wouldnt value Porter more than Winslow). Yet the one thing I will acknowledge is that there do appear to be chemistry issues with the Wizards, something a coaching change seemingly hasnt solved. And the one thing about Riley is that distressed property does seem to be his real estate, be it Alonzo Mourning, Tim Hardaway, Shaquille ONeal or even Dragic, himself. Most, if not all, NBA talent scouts, would have Wall, based on ability and potential, rated significantly ahead of Dragic, and its not as if the Heat are in any position to throw in draft picks to sweeten such a deal, with a pair of first-rounders still owed for Dragic. But the Wall possibilities do appear to grow more interesting by the day, particularly at moments of venting. The Heats next home game is against the Wizards, on Monday night, so perhaps well see if there is a welcome wagon in place. Q: I feel like Hassan Whiteside needs to pass more and get others involved. -- Doug, Alameda, Calif. A: And that is the other part of the equation to those emphasizing that the Heat need to get the ball more often to Hassan. The point being that the goal should be creating the best shots possible. Some of Whitesides early attempts against the Hawks, and then his attempt to go full-court off the dribble, couldnt help but dissuade others from sending the ball into Whiteside. Part of demanding more from teammates is being a better teammate. Some of this comes down to Whiteside being relatively new to such a featured role. But the concept of keeping the ball in motion should be one easy enough to grasp for both Hassan and his teammates. If he expects more from his teammates, then they have the right to expect more from him. Q: I have a feeling it will only get better once this entire team is healthy. It seems like Wayne Ellington has eased the pressure and everyone is more relaxed. Do you sense a turnaround once that happens -- Doug, Alameda, Calif. A: I certainly could see this team playing .500 ball for an extended period once all the pieces are back in place. But that re-start also could come at a time when the Heat are already 10 games below .500, meaning playing .500 from there would, at best, produce something along the lines of 36-46. And thats the problem, the ones that have gotten away in the interim. Q: In almost every game Hassan Whiteside has played against quotelitequot centers throughout his career, hes failed to get his game going. Im not sure hes ever played on par against an elite center, much less got the better of any of them. At some point to be an elite center, you have to show you can play with the top centers, sometimes losing the war, sometimes winning the war. But you have to show up, all the time. Thats why, in my opinion, hes not an All-Star big man. You just cant put up big numbers against average-to-poor big men. -- Matt. A: I believe there is plenty of hyperbole there, but I do agree that to be considered among the best, you have to complete with the best. This is where I sometimes find myself caught up in the argument of Whiteside as quotyouthfulquot prospect. On one hand, at 27, hes not so young. But in terms of NBA development, he still is somewhat in his infancy. What I find most troubling is this notion that opposing defenses are loading up against him, taking away his game. Thats what theyre supposed to do its the ultimate sign of respect. And yet, the All-Stars find a way, any way, on almost a nightly basis. So I believe were arguing the same point: There has to be more consistency, more of a way to find a way. Not every great center has had great pieces around them. And while defensive rules have allowed more packing of the paint in recent years, there still have been ample big men who have thrived. Some of it is up to Erik Spoelstra to make the accommodations. But a lot of it is on Whiteside to be what he wants to be. Q: I know Erik Spoelstra doesnt like to play one-dimensional players, but shouldnt the Heat try to find at least two more shooters like Wayne Ellington Remember who Orlando had as complementary pieces when Dwight Howard went to NBA Finals Remember who helped the Big Three in Miami Look at Houston, Golden State and Cleveland. Despite all the talent, they have role players that make threes. Getting shooters around Hassan Whiteside prevents the defense from collapsing on him. It seems crazy not to force the opponent into pick your poison. -- Stuart. A: Thing is, I think the Heat believed they had that shooting, with the ability to surround Whiteside with Josh McRoberts, Josh Richardson, Tyler Johnson and Goran Dragic, let alone Ellington And then the shots went up and clanked. And, all the while, the Heat attempted to find a place for Justise Winslow. Interestingly, the Hawks, amid their slide, began to develop the same issue, a lack of outside shooting leaving opponents more comfortable in packing the paint against Dwight Howard. The NBA is undeniably a shooting league, and the Heat need to find their way in that direction. Johnson took a step forward Wednesday, and yet the reality for Whiteside in that packed paint is that the Heat still have to win over the defenses respect. Q: This whole situation with these quotinjuriesquot seems like Pat Riley and Micky Arison just mailing it in. Its very frustrating to watch and understand. -- Dacota. A: Which makes this the perfect time for Pat Riley to sit down and publicly explain where things stand with the franchise. That shouldnt have to fall on Erik Spoelstra on a nightly basis. We just had a letter to season-ticket holders from Eric Woolworth, the Heats president on the business side, who spoke about quotour dynamic young core. quot Now it would appear to be Rileys time, as face of the franchise, to reset the front offices perspective. It is what Riley does very well. Q: Are the Heat tanking without making it obvious. These injuries seem quite odd. -- Danny. Q None of these injuries seem serious. Players have played through them before and now are missing multiple games. Has the tanking begun -- Jeffrey. Q: Miami tanking so early What a disgrace. -- Jay. A: When it comes to injuries, you have to take them at face value, since there are medical professionals involved. And, face it, almost as important as any lottery pick is getting young contributors such as Justise Winslow and Josh Richardson out on the court, if nothing more than to consider their possibilities going forward. The Heat need to know as much as possible about both players. Beyond that, playing shorthanded only increases the stresses on another component of the future in Hassan Whiteside, and the last thing you want to do is give him reason to give in. Actually, if the Heat wanted to extend the absences, they could have traveled players such as Dion Waiters, James Johnson and Luke Babbitt and then claim they did not have the opportunity to rehabilitate on the road, further delaying their comeback. Now, if veterans sit in February, March and April, when the standings preclude playoffs, thats when I think you can look at all of this with an askance glance, as was the case late in the 2007-08 season. For now, you just have to squint to count the number of available players, with Goran Dragic now dealing with a very real shoulder injury, and also vowing to play on. Q: Wayne Ellington is taking advantage of these starters minutes. Hes hustling. -- Chuck. A: And hes exactly what this Heat roster has lacked: a gunslinger. Even with his 3 of 9, he still was the only Heat player Tuesday with more than one 3-pointer. It used to be that Erik Spoelstra would be reluctant to utilize a player who largely was one-dimensional, which is why James Jones received such limited minutes. But amid this spate of injuries, Ellington has been able to display an energy that has made him a viable two-way contributor. Now, is it because hes so fresh after all that time off, or because of being in the best condition of his career Ellingtons play is going to make it very interesting when Dion Waiters is cleared to return, especially when considering the need to guarantee minutes to Goran Dragic, Josh Richardson, Tyler Johnson and Justise Winslow. And Im not sure the Heat can afford to remove Rodney McGruder from the equation, because of his defensive grit. Of course, to be debating the starting merits of Ellington vs. Waiters also offers an indication of where the Heat stand, with both better suited to instant-offense duty off the bench. Q: Cant watch a team that is forced to give minutes to Derrick Williams. -- Wael. A: There is a reason for all those stops along this path that led him to the Heat. Unbridled athleticism Sure. But is there a way to rein that into something useful. Im not sure if Erik Spoelstra had more available that Williams would have been out there Tuesday night. But options are limited. All these years into it, and were still not sure what Williams is. Not sure the Heat know, either. Q: Ira, why doesnt Miami feed Hassan Whiteside more down the stretch Any time you have a Big Guy whos active like Whiteside was against Portland, you must reward him with the proper amount of touches to keep him engaged. -- Darryl, Fitzgerald, Ga. A: Hassan was largely smothered at the end of that game, just as he was when Goran Dragic attempted to feed him during the Heats final possession against the Jazz. But there have been plenty of times when Hassan has gotten an instant mismatch on pick-and-rolls and not gotten the ball. Those are the instances that deserve a second look. Part of that is the Heat playing at times with primary ballhandlers who are not instinctive point guards, such as Tyler Johnson, Josh Richardson or even Dion Waiters. Part of that is Justise Winslow being out of action for so long. And part of it is its not as if the Heat are playing pick-and-roll with Josh McRoberts, who often is the best playmaker on the court. In addition, Dragic is at his best when playing with an attacking approach, which often has him as the one attacking the rim. All of that said, there should be more of a mandate that if Hassan has a positional advantage in the lane, he gets the ball. Période. Q: Do you foresee Pat Riley attempting to trade for Russell Westbrook or Anthony Davis should any show discontent with their team I can easily see everyone on the Heat as a trade chip for any of these players. To me, these are the only two players to build a franchise around, with Davis being the number-one target. This might not make quotAsk Iraquot as its so far-fetched now but if any of them show just one moment of discontent, I see Riley having them on speed dial. -- Williams. A: Im not going to get into hypotheticals (which rarely happens in this space), but gladly will confirm your hypothesis, that if distressed quality merchandise comes on the market, Riley will be front and center with a bid. Thats what makes it so interesting about the Heat having the ability to get Chris Boshs salary-cap hit off the books before the Feb. 23 trading deadline, with that window opening on Feb. 9. All of that said, and to all the speculation about Heat trades, keep in mind the limited enticing resources the Heat have the ability to put into play. It is why having players thrive in games such as these also can serve as showcasing those players. Q: This is what happens when you have undersized players banging bigger and stronger players. Im sick of small lineups. -- Leon. A: Im not sure how a swollen wrist for Justise Winslow is a measure of casting him at power forward at times, or a sprained ankle for Josh Richardson is a factor of his playing small forward. And Luke Babbitt actually was playing down in position, at small forward, when he sustained his hip flexor. No, injuries happen. What I would agree with is that when players have to play bigger minutes because of injuries to others, thats when they could become exposed to exacerbated ailments of their own, such as Dion Waiters pushing through what initially appeared to be a minor ailment. Same with Winslow. Q: The Heat were much improved during the trip. And despite all Dion Waiters has done, his absence has helped the Heat. If he comes back, the Heat would have an excess of guards. -- Yusuf, Avenel, N. J. A: Its too early to think about thinning out the perimeter rotation, with Erik Spoelstra still sorting through the possibilities. Plus, Dion will be out for at least another week and a half, and thats only when his injury will be reevaluated. But taking the long view, with Goran Dragic thriving in a ball-dominant role, it only makes sense for Dion to transition back to his anticipated role, as a reserve guard, where the touches will be more plentiful. Keeping Dragic in rhythm is much more important than getting Dion back into a comfort zone. But if you do play Waiters off the bench, minutes still will be an issue, with the need to also find time for Josh Richardson and Tyler Johnson, let alone Wayne Ellington. What the past week showed is that players play well in extended minutes, be it Ellington, Josh McRoberts or even Rodney McGruder. At some point, Spoelstra is going to have to tighten his rotation. And that leaves Waiters role a question mark. Q: The Heat look better with a shorter rotation. Could the injuries be a small blessing Most of the season has felt like throwing any combo out there and hoping something works. -- Eric, New York. A: Players generally play better when they can get into a rhythm. They also play better when allowed to develop an extended chemistry with a five-man unit. You see that almost annually when Josh McRoberts is ambulatory and active. But that doesnt mean that depth of talent also isnt a factor. Remember, the Heat have only played three back-to-back sets so far this season. Plenty of fatigue is still on the way. As it is, Tuesdays game against the Knicks opens the Heats lone stretch of four games in five nights this season. Where the depth kicks in is when the injuries kick in. That, of course, also requires patience, which will be tested for some when the roster gets fully healthy. Q: Rodney McGruder has grown so fast, that it seems he was the right choice. I think the McGruder has shown the needed fire. -- Yu. A: Looking back on the Heats final cuts, it certainly appears that the forward-thinking approach with Rodney made the most sense both then and now, although Im not sure the Heat ever envisioned this many starts so soon. In fact, had the Heat been healthy and stayed healthy, there certainly was the chance that McGruder might have found himself on assignment to the D-League. That said, there certainly were moments when Goran Dragic was injured that Beno Udrih could have helped. And there certainly remains plenty of intrigue with Briante Weber and his defensive disposition. Thats why it is a shame that the salary-cap machinations mandate that Chris Bosh maintain residence in one of the NBA-maximum 15 roster spots. And then there is the issue of Udonis Haslem holding another one, in almost a coaching-type role. Q: Josh McRoberts has got to do a lot more to make up for the past couple of years, but Im so happy to see him out as starting power forward. Rightfully so. -- Wael. A: And now is when it will get interesting when Justise Winslow gets back. With Wayne Ellington sparking the offense, it might have made sense to go with Winslow as the starting power forward. Im wondering now whether this could leave Winslow in a sixth-man type of role, to enter at any position other than center (or perhaps even then, with McRoberts moving to center). This is all you can ask for, is having to make the hard choices for the right reasons. And these are the choices that Erik Spoelstra wanted to have to have, to consider all the possibilities with all of his players healthy. That, of course, still is a bit away, based on the schedule for Dion Waiters and perhaps others. But it could come down to, on game nights, deciding whether have Luke Babbitt or Derrick Williams inactive, if Udonis Haslem remains on the active list. McRoberts, with his season scoring highs has created the exact type of decisions the Heat had hoped he could create. Q: Ira, could it be that this is what it has been all about, developing trade chips for Pat Riley to get his extra draft picks -- Steve. A: I dont believe that, in any way, was the intention when James Johnson, Dion Waiters and Wayne Ellington were added. And, yet, it could be an ancillary possibility if the Heat fall out of playoff contention and any or all of those players are playing well. Dec. 15 is the first day any of those three can be traded, and its simply too early to expect anything immediately. In fact, the Heat first have to get healthy, have enough ambulatory bodies to consider who to keep and who is expendable. That means getting Josh Richardson, Waiters and Justise Winslow back. Only at that point can Erik Spoelstra determine where his minutes will go. As it is, if the goal truly is playoffs, or at least a playoff push, then, at this point, it would appear that James Johnson, Ellington and Waiters are all necessary components moving forward. At least for now. Q: Why does it feel like that this Miami heat team is one moment or one play from coming together and being a very good team Ira, I say we keep James Johnson, Wayne Ellington and Dion Waiters. -- Will. A: And then there is that view. But against all of this you have to weigh the future, and the ultimate goal, which is to rebuild the roster into something that can eventually truly contend. Considering how the Heat allowed Luol Deng and Joe Johnson to so swiftly depart as free agents last summer, and how there was reluctance to extend Dwyane Wades money going forward, I highly doubt there will be any type of commitments to any players on this roster at the start of free agency. Now, if anyone is willing to wait, thats another story. But, for now, dont expect the Heat to commit anything to next summer beyond what is contractually committed. Q: With many on the current roster being on one - or two-year contracts, or with options, the take by some of the pundits, including yourself, is that they are simply rental players. I disagree. While the team may have a boatload of cash this summer to spend on free agency, they may have trouble actually (wisely) spending it. And right now, they dont have many chips to play regarding trading their way into contention. So, openings are there, if a player really shows he can be a rotation player next year. Obviously, not many in this crew have done that, but two players have the potential to stick James Johnson and Dion Waiters. And regardless of what they do this season, I dont believe that either will command large contracts in the open market. Johnson is a hustle player who can run the court and play defense, and has shown a little more offense than his career numbers suggest, and may be ideal as a backup in the power rotation. Dion may fit the bill as a sixth man, though the Heat would have to weigh how top heavy they would be at in the backcourt . But, I believe there is opportunity. -- Matt. A: And you are probably right -- if there is enough money there to sate. Im just not sure, after what he left on the table, by not picking up his Thunder qualifying offer, and by what he couldnt get on the open market, that Waiters would be willing to offer a significant compromise. Plus, if the future for the Heat belongs to Josh Richardson and Tyler Johnson, then it would seem the only way there would be a place for Waiters is if there isnt one for Goran Dragic. As for James Johnson, I agree that it could benefit the Heat to continue to sell the benefits of remaining in South Florida. No matter how the roster is reconfigured, his energy would appear a fit with any rebuild. Of the rentals, he could be the one who most entices with a follow-up offer, although we also only now are seeing the possibilities of Wayne Ellington. I guess the best way to put it would be this: If this group proves it can win, then everything and anything could be possible going forward with those who initially only appeared to be passing through. Q: If a lot of the current Heat players are playing for the next contract, and considering what happened with Dwayne Wade (the closest thing the Heat have to a Derek Jeter or Kobe Bryant) in Miami, wouldnt there be a tendency in the back of players minds this season to go it alone. -- Stuart. A: And that is the counter to the above, and something it is incumbent on Erik Spoelstra and his staff to monitor. I havent seen that yet, but an air of resignation has yet to form in the Heat locker room, with these victories in Denver and Utah certainly putting some of such concerns aside. The one thing I will say about the Heat is that they tend to do a quality job of screening such concerns out of the process before adding players. Then again, if a player starts looking for his own and gets it, I almost think that would be embraced by this sometimes-struggling offense. Q: Hi, Ira, long-time fan. Every time I see James Johnson on the court, he seems be able to pull off some high-level moves with excellent footwork. He can handle the ball, shoot and play defense. Why do you think hes always been a bench player A: Because for all those impressive moments, there remain some that, at times, make you shake your head. Thats why I believe he sets up so well as a reserve. If you see he is on his game when he enters, then you reconfigure that games rotation to maximize his possibilities. And if you see it is one of those games where he is reaching for too much, then you can always rejoin your rotation already in progress. Q: Well it might be time to leave Josh Richardson on the bench. Wayne Ellington deserves a starting role. -- Will. A: Im not sure the Heat know their starting lineup at the moment, amid all these injuries. Much of the thought with the starting lineup is to create a cohesive rotation that covers all the bases off the bench, as well. And the Heat bench was very good Thursday night against the Jazz. Remember, Ellington has been back for less than a week. Starters minutes might not be the best idea at the moment, with Thursdays 33 on the second night of a back-to-back at bit of a stretch. Only when the Heat have Justise Winslow, Josh Richardson and Dion Waiters healthy can they make an informed decision about the starting roles on the wing. And once all those players come back, it is possible that Winslow at power forward again is revisited. Factoring in minutes for Goran Dragic and Tyler Johnson, Winslow figures to play plenty at the four, anyway. Q: James Johnson is better at doing what Josh McRoberts is supposed to do than McRoberts is at doing what hes supposed to do -- Ivan. A: No, McRoberts does what he does with a calculated and under-control approach. Johnson is more likely to crate wild energy swings. What McRoberts did Thursday night was offer enough offense to complement the other aspects of his game. What Johnson did Thursday night was harness his energy for good, not evil. There are not many times I would have figured Johnson as a facilitator, but he was Thursday night. Q: Isnt it the home team that handles the clock -- Roger. A: Yes it is, which is what made Thursdays controversy all the more perplexing. The issue is that the math did not align between the shot clock and the game clock when it came to a possible Heat 24-second violation on that finally ill-fated pass from Goran Dragic to Hassan Whiteside. Based on the shot clock, the violation should have come with 4.9 seconds to play. But based on the game clock, with 3.9 (since 10th of seconds dont show on the shot clock initially). The bottom line is both teams set out for a final sequence knowing that 3.9 seconds would be in play. The Heat defended successfully during those 3.9 seconds, if, perhaps not for 4.9. Confusing Sure. But not nearly enough to overturn a result. Q: Are these guys really injured, Ira, or is Miami tanking now It seems kind of strange how all of these players are hurt now. -- Will. A: One of the approaches of targeting the lottery is the slow-playing of injuries, something we certainly saw with the Heat in 2007-08, when the absences grew extended. And it certainly could be an approach this season if the playoffs become mathematically unlikely. However, I just dont see it at this stage of the season. Its way too early to know what your team can or cant be. And these are injuries that are being signed off by the medical staff, such as Wednesdays two-week announcement with Dion Waiters. There is no way that Waiters, who is playing for the 2017 free-agent contract that he expected this past offseason, would agree to sit out one more game than absolutely necessary. As for Justise Winslow, this is a case of protecting an asset for the future, one you predictably plan to build around. Ditto with Josh Richardson, whose possibilities the Heat want nothing more than to explore. It was one thing when the Heat sat out Dwyane Wade and Udonis Haslem in a season going nowhere, with both knowing they would be part of something better down the road. But I just dont see many, if any, on this roster who would acquiesce, certainly at this stage, to sitting out even a game beyond necessary. And look around the rest of the league: hurt happens. As the Heat is learning with Richardson. Q: The basketball gods want the Heat to have a top-five draft pick. -- C. J. A: But what say Goran Dragic and Hassan Whiteside And thats the thing, if those two play at their pay grade and to the levels they expect of themselves, then this team has the ability to play itself out of that neighborhood. Wednesdays victory in Denver was the perfect example. Those two being closer to the top of their games made it possible for others to have meaningful moments. So for all those who maintain the Heat are or should tank, heres my retort: How do you get Whiteside and Dragic to pull back when active and in the lineup If Hassan Whiteside wants to be an All-Star, that means he also should want to win. And Goran Dragic has put up with enough losing and wants to win. So if you truly want to start scouting the top of the lottery, you may have to talk to Hassan and Goran, first. Because their plans just might get in your way. Q: We are only one player away. We need a superstar as soon as possible. -- Dale. A: That tends to be the case of just about every team that doesnt have LeBron James or isnt the Warriors. And its not as if middling teams add superstars in free agency. The stars that do move, as LeBron and Kevin Durant have shown, gravitate toward teams that are on the cusp of a championship. The best bet, at this point, likely is mining in the draft what the Heat minded 14 years ago with Dwyane Wade. And even in that case, you dont know it until you know it. There is no quotsoon as possiblequot when it comes to a rebuild, only the need for ongoing patience. Until then, you find yourselves playing to win the winnable games, as the Heat did, and did, Wednesday night in Denver. Personal Finance Copyright copy 2017 MarketWatch, Inc. All rights reserved. En utilisant ce site, vous acceptez les Conditions d'utilisation. Politique de confidentialité et politique des cookies. Intraday Données fournies par SIX Financial Information et soumises aux conditions d'utilisation. 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